Thursday, September 27, 2012


Painful but great 7 miler this morning.  It's incredible what a difference warmer temps and higher humidity make in a run.  Last week it was cool, low humidity, Shan and I ran 1:09.  Today Shan and Steve and I ran the 7 mile loop.  The temp this morning was 72ish.  Normal summer low is a few degrees warmer so it still felt a but cooler too me than normal.  Our time this morning was 1:10 but my perceived exertion felt like 1:05....06.  I couldn't believe it when I looked at my watch.  I was pretty disappointed until Shan pointed out the humidity and the warmer temp.  The really bright side is that a month ago I would have been at least 10 minutes faster and working my ass off still!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Started my rest week on a good note with an easy 7 miles at LBL.  I mixed in plenty of walking.

Monday, September 24, 2012

great day

Marc G and I had an excellent 19 miler Saturday morning.  We did Kens, the flat over to Forest Ridge, the flat 2 mile out and back along Old Spicewood and back to the Dog Park.  5:04.  We gave sub 5hrs a shot but came up short.  It was a great day on the trails.  Marc and I are very compatible together for an extended amount of time on the trails.  40 mile week!!  71 miles last 2 weeks!!  I'd really like to get 140 miles in Oct.  I feel like things are getting on track now!!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

talked the entire time!

Excellent 7 miler this morning with Shan.  We did it in a shade over 1:09!!  Not only was it the fastest I've run in a while, we did not stop for any walk breaks and I talked the entire time!!  Very pleased with the run this morning.  My knee was bugging me a bit but I think it's responding well to the exercises I've been doing.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Another 7 miler this morning has me off to the higher mileage week I need.  Once again, I took my time.  I've had some pretty low mileage the last several months so I know I don't need to get carried away busting it hard out there.  Good steady time on feet is what I need right now.  7-10 Thursday morning and then 17-19 Saturday should get 'er done.  Feeling good too by the way.  Wild Hare 50 mile here I come!!!

Monday, September 17, 2012


Up at 430 this morning for 7 miles at LBL.  Good run and a great way to start the week.  It's amazing what can be accomplished when you don't give your liver a thorough soaking on Saturday.  On my way to a 40 mile week!!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012


David R, a friend of his Kemper and I got in an easy 17 miles at Bull Creek.  I basically gave them a Bull Creek tour.  We did Kens first then did the flat around to Forest Ridge and then back to the Dog Park.  The three of us are doing the 100 mile relay at Cactus Rose in October so we got to bond today.  We are short one runner but we should be able to find someone soon.  I really needed some trail time too.  A few days ago it looked like we were gonna get rained out but it worked out.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

AM 7

Easy 7 at LBL this AM.  Starting to get excited about the 17 miler with David this Saturday at Bull Creek.  I've never actually put all these trails together at one time.  It should be a blast!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


7.5 mile run yesterday after work combining LBL and Barton Creek.  I really needed that one!!

Friday, September 7, 2012

not so bad

Got in a hot slow 5 miles at Lady Bird yesterday after work.  Even though the temp was over 100 it didn't seem that bad.  The large numbers of runners and walkers probably added to the feeling that it wasn't that bad.  Anyway, I'm struggling to get in my miles.  I really need to get in another 5 this afternoon and at least 5-7 tomorrow morning if I have any hopes of having a decent month.

I am looking forward to tailgating and the football game tomorrow with old chums.

Next Saturday will be good too with David Richmond and his friend coming for a solid tour of ALL the Bull Creek trails.  A few days ago Dave signed us up for the Cactus Rose 100 mile relay.  That should be a bunch of fun!!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


2 runs Sunday.  7 miles in the morning. 3.5 in the afternoon.