Wednesday, October 30, 2013


All I could muster was the 3 mile loop at Townlake after work yesterday.

Monday, October 28, 2013


Got in 6 miles at Kens with Marc G Friday after work

Friday, October 25, 2013

cracked me up

Really easy 7 miler at Townlake yesterday after work.  A month ago while we were on vacation I slept weird one night and have had a crick in my neck going down into my right shoulder blade.  It's something I thought would just fade away but hasn't.  It flared up pretty badly Tuesday and Wednesday to the point where Wednesday night I couldn't even find a comfortable position to sleep in.  I felt like shit first thing Thursday morning so I bailed on our run.  I saw Richard midday and he "cracked me up" pretty good.  I'm sure hoping I'll get some relief the next 24hrs or so!!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Good run at Forest Ridge yesterday after work.  I missed the last little loop near the bottom on the Captex side.  As I was approaching the loop the sky's were black and it was starting to sprinkle so I went straight to my car.  I wasn't in my car very long when it dumped on me!!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

running water

Great 7+ mile run at Forest Ridge this afternoon in 1:35.26.  Very happy with that since it's about the same time I've been running for 10+yrs on this course, especially since I enjoyed 5 Rangers yesterday evening. Had planned on a long run yesterday but got to the creek and saw the running water and turned around and went home.  Didn't feel like being out on a cold, blustery day, just wasn't feeling it.  A 100 mile month is still in site though.


Thursday, October 17, 2013


We changed up our usual Thursday morning routine in a big way this morning.  We (Shan, Mark and I) did the Scenic/ Pecos 7 mile loop in 1:08.  Two changes I guess.  Number 1, we ran roads and number 2 we did a fartlek run on the hills of west Austin.  It kicked my ass good but that's the idea.  We alternated very easy and hard 1 mile.  It felt good to be running fast for a change.  We're going to do this workout for 3 weeks and then do our traditional 7 mile loop to see if (how much) we've improved our time.


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

catch up

Time to catch up on the blog. Last weekend at the lake I got in a 10 mile and a 7 mile on the roads.  Last Thursday Shan, Doug and I did his normal routine.  Alternate powerwalk 1 mile, run 1 mile hard for the Mopac to Congress loop.  I really enjoyed that!!  We had a great time too, enjoying lots of laughing and conversation!!  After our 5 mile loop I headed on to Forest Ridge and knocked out the 7+ mile loop.  The really cool part about this part is that the faster tempo from our morning run carried over to this run as well. My time was basically the same as it usually is, in the 90 minute range.  This morning I did the 7 mile loop at Townlake.


Thursday, October 3, 2013


Pretty decent run this morning considering that yesterday afternoon I had serious doubts I'd get it in at all.  Late last week I started suffering some allergy effects and then it subsided.  Well, it reared it's ugly head Tuesday afternoon and kicked my ass all day yesterday. I did some sneezing and sniffling most of the day yesterday and felt really blah.  It just came in waves.  I'd feel pretty good for a while and then it would come on again.  After work though, I felt pretty good all the way till bedtime.  I woke up this morning at 430 and felt pretty cloudy but came around quickly.  Our time today was 1:20, which is not to shabby at all considering we had several walk breaks.

The templates where I keep my mileage and shoes updated won't accept any edits for some reason and I'm too dumb to figure it out so I'll be keeping that stuff on a separate word processing program from now on.


Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Very, very pleased with my 13 mile run in Barton Creek yesterday after work.  Late last week I had some allergy stuff coming on and didn't feel much like running Saturday morning.  We were in Bulverde Sunday so I had pretty much given up on getting my 3rd consecutive 100 mile running month.  The only time I can remember running any substantial mileage after work was a 10 mile Friday evening run a couple of years ago.
Yesterday was very much like my long run a couple of Saturdays ago.  I got started and had a big goal but wasn't sure if I would or could pull it off.  I got to the 5 mile marker yesterday and felt pretty good and just kept on trucking.  I'm really pleased I didn't over think these 2 runs.  I just got started and did them.