Thursday, October 23, 2014


Shan and I had a great 10 mile run this morning!!  We did it in 1:45!!  Very happy with that.  Zero walking too, only a brief stop to refill my hand bottle.  We were actually running fairly slowly but I knew if we did no walking our time would be a decent one and sure enough it was.  Looking forward to my long run in Bull Creek Saturday.  BTW, pulled the trigger on the Warda 50k yesterday.  I sure wish Joe gave out mileage jackets there.  I'll be at 143 miles there after this race!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Nice easy 7 miles this morning downtown at Townlake.  A bit chilly at the start.  53ish degrees.  I wore a long sleeve under my short sleeve, cotton gloves and a skull cap.  I'm very sure I appeared to be a freak to the people who were dressed like it was a summer afternoon.  It's cool getting old because you get where you don't give a shit what people think.  It was a good run in a really good running month so far!!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

so far so good

Did the 7.4 mile Pleasant Valley/ Lamar loop both the last 2 mornings.  Yesterday with my boss and this morning with Shan.  Good run both mornings.  Yesterday my left knee was a bit achy but this morning was much better.  Maybe the increased mileage is a good thing.  22 miles this work is the most I've logged during the week in quite a while.  Really happy about that going into this Saturday's long run.  So far so good with the goal of 400 miles the last 3 months of '14!!

Monday, October 6, 2014


12 miles Saturday at Lake Livingston in 2:15.  Very, very happy with that effort considering a crappy nights sleep and I sort of considered bailing on the run completely because there was so much else going on.  I'm so glad I didn't.  I got in some great solo time on the country roads.

This morning I got in an easy 7 at Townlake before work.  My left foot and knee are bugging me some but I don't run again until Wednesday so I should be good.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Started the month off on a great note with a 5 miler in the hood this morning!!  Several peeps in my hood getting out and getting after it too.  Great to see!!