Monday, November 30, 2015


To avoid having my worst running year in 8yrs I'm gonna have to run 112 miles in December.  Pretty big number considering I've averaged 49 miles the last 3 Decembers.  We'll see if I can pull it off.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


7+ more junk miles at Townlake this morning.  It was a chilly 46 degrees at the start!!  If I can get this 50k done this Saturday I'll have my first 50 mile week in a very long time!!

Monday, November 16, 2015


Nice easy 7 miles at Townlake this morning.  First run in at least 4 years with shoes with any kind of heel lift in them.  It went pretty good, I took it really easy and mixed in a lots of walking.

Sunday, November 15, 2015


Had a good Sunday morning 7 miler at Forest Ridge in Bull Creek.  There were more people on that trail than any day I can remember.  It's still a fraction of the number of people I'd have seen on the Barton Creek Greenbelt superhighway.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


I ran the Rocky Raccoon 25k this past Saturday in 2:55.  All week it looked like the conditions were going to be pretty wet but it ended up mostly okay.  I did get stuck running the last 3+ miles in a pretty good downpour though!!

Paul S. the race director told me in a private message that this was a new course this year and I suspect it was a bit long.  The aid stations were approximately 4, 7 and 12 miles.  I hit the 4 in about 44 minutes, the 7 in 1:20 and 12 in 2:12.  I wasn't exactly burning up the trail but I did zero walking until after the 7 mile aid station.  I kept thinking that he didn't give exact mileage to each of the aid stations so they could have been 4.7 or .8 and a long 7 miles but I was seriously bummed it took me so long to get to the 12 mile aid station.  I really, really felt like I was running faster than my time(s) indicated.  Still waiting on final results, maybe everyone was a bit slow.

Even though I was bummed with my results I'm gonna keep on trucking....