Thursday, June 28, 2018

junk miles

These are definitely the dog days of summer.  This morning I did 2 easy miles with Ellie and then 5 more with Shan.  I can't hardly run a half mile without taking a walk break it seems.  But that's okay, that's the way it is this time of year.  Lots of junk miles.....

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


I've been getting in some miles but they've been super slow.  I did the 7 mile loop Saturday and yesterday, both in 90 minutes.  Lots of walking.  I'm not worrying too much about it.  I've been spending lots of energy and thought on my AA stuff so that's good.  'Tis the season for slow summer miles.....

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


3 total miles Monday morning, 1 with Ellie and 2 more with Misty.  2 total miles this morning, 1 with Ellie and 1 more with Misty.

Yes, Misty has been able to get up, rub the sleep out of her eyes and get in some activity!!  Great early morning family time!!

Thursday, June 14, 2018


The plan was to run this morning but I wasn't feeling it.   Ellie and I did a 2 mile walk instead.  About halfway through I realized that she would be hitting the 500 mile mark this morning!  More milestones are her 3rd birthday yesterday and her 2 year anniversary with us in a less than 2 weeks!!  We don't know we ever lived without her!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018


Me and Ellie did an easy one mile this morning and then Sam and I did 5 miles in his 'hood.  We haven't hung out in a while so we were able to do some good catching up!!

Friday, June 8, 2018

mornings on fire

Me and Ellie have been setting the mornings on fire!  3 straight days of 2 mile walks!  When we get home and she gets a good drink of water and instead of climbing back in bed with Misty she plops down on the cool tile!  Pretty cute!  The 2 mile walks are actually helping me keep my miles up pretty well too.

I've really been spending a lot of time and energy on my AA stuff lately.  It almost feels like running has been put on the back burner a little.  That's okay though, I sort of set it up that way with my new improved long term running goal.  I do plan on getting some good solo miles at Townlake tomorrow morning though.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

praying and thinking

Back to back mornings of 2 mile walks with Ellie.  Shan is out with a broken toe and I wasn't feeling a run this morning.  Early morning walks are good for praying and thinking...

Tuesday, June 5, 2018


One mile with Ellie this morning and then 4 more solo miles.  Had a pretty good run.  The weather was still cool from Sunday nights rain so I was actually able to do some solid running, for me at least.....

Monday, June 4, 2018

out of shape

6 miles with Misty at Townlake early Saturday morning.  Very good run even though we're both out of shape!!