Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Tomorrow marks 3 weeks of no running and my foot is no better for it.  I'm going to start back with some super easy miles this coming weekend so I won't be hitting Bandera completely cold on Jan 10. Not sure what to make of my foot situation.  Several months ago we have some good friends who are building a house out of a mud concoction and they enlisted of bunch of friends to come out and help for a day.  When we got there they immediately put me to work working on the mix for the mud bricks.  To do this you have to use your bare feet to mix it up.  Well, sure enough just a few minutes in I step on something that is super painful.  When I reach down to investigate I realized it's a piece of chicken wire coming from under the blue tarp and it won't come out!!  I call out to my friend Stef and tell him I need help dislodging this wire from my foot.  He gets it out and it's not too painful so we stay for several hours working and I continue on the mud bricks.

To shorten this story some, that part of my foot is a touch achy and the outer portion of the sole of my foot is also creaky/ achy in the mornings.  I've tried several plantar boots to no avail.  My next plan is to try some deep massage and acupuncture but I'm gonna keep on trucking on my running.  My foot doesn't feel any worse when I've been running......

Friday, December 12, 2014


Well, it looks as if my running days are over for the year 2014.  I'm pretty sure I've got a stress fracture in my left foot.  It's been a nagging on and off thing for at least several months so I think it's time to lay off for a while.  These things are never good timing.  I feel like I've been getting in pretty good shape with the indicators being some very solid Thursday morning runs.  It's okay though.  I'm going to continue working my core and push ups and am still aiming for a super easy Bandera 25k.  I REALLY wanted to get in 1040 miles (20 miles per week) this calendar year.  I only need 31 miles to attain that so I think I'm going to get in some really easy walking miles for the rest of the year.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Didn't feel much like it this morning so I just ambled through a very easy 5 miles at Townlake.  It was nice for a change and Shan is gonna wear me out tomorrow morning anyway.  Got in some much needed post run stretching too!!

Thursday, December 4, 2014


Shan's schedule was different this week so instead of kicking my ass downtown she did it on her home course.  We started at 5am and did a 7 miles in 1:12.  I was damn happy with it considering it was hilly as hell until she told me her solo time on the same course was 59 minutes.  Dango, probably shouldn't have asked!!   It's all good because I felt like I worked it pretty hard.  I was happy with my effort.

I'm off work tomorrow to help Sam set up his race stuff for Run Like the Wind.  I'm going to get an early start and do 8 miles from the HOL tomorrow and then meet Sam afterward.  I'm doing the 3hr race Saturday and then working the race until shutdown on Sunday morning.  Looks like we finally have a good weather forecast for the 1st time in a long time for this event.  I'm really looking forward to it.  It's gonna be fun!!

Monday, December 1, 2014

sub ultra

Signed up for the Bandera 25k Saturday.  After I pulled the trigger I realized that this is the first sub ultra race I've signed up for since the San Antonio Marathon in November of '99 (I've done the Bandera 25k and Hell's Hills 10k with Misty).  Wow!!  Nothing but ultra's for 15yrs!!

Pretty darn cool even though I'm having mixed emotions.  Is the day finally here?  Am I done as an ultra runner?  That's been an interesting thing to hang my hat on for all these years.  I'm gonna try not to focus on that for now though.  I have a pretty good plan in place for doing well in the sub ultra championships for 2015.  So far it looks like the Bandera 25k then Crosstimbers trail marathon in Feb.  I've always wanted to run up there but always assumed it'd be the 50 mile.  In the trail series you are awarded points for the longer races in your category so I'm also planning on Pandora's Box of Rox marathon in May and Brazos Bend marathon in Dec.   That's 4 of the 7 races you're allowed to score points in.  For now it looks like Toughest race in Texas 20 mile and maybe the marathon at Grasslands.  That's another event I've always wanted to participate in.  I'll have to see how the rest will shake out.  I'm definitely getting excited!!

One other thing.  If I can manage 99 miles this month I'll have my highest mileage yearly mileage total since '08!!  Very, very happy about that!!

Friday, November 28, 2014


1:41 10 mile at Townlake with Shan this morning.  I really need to stop anticipating finish times.
This morning I would have bet money that our time was at least 5 minutes slower.  We stopped once to talk to an old acquaintance and had two walk breaks.  And, our running seemed very conservative too.  Oh well, another good one for the books!!

Monday, November 24, 2014

sub ultra

My ultra days may nearing an end but my running and racing days are nowhere near over.  I think I may just not enjoy going long anymore.  I've been slowly realizing this over the last year or two and have been hanging onto being an "ultra" runner.  Well, 15yrs is pretty darn good at the age of 54 I'd say.  It really has become a chore to do anything much over a 100 mile running month or a 15 mile training run the last several years which pretty much spells doom for running ultra's.

This all comes up after my 2nd ever DNF at the 50k distance yesterday.  Yes, there were plenty of extenuating circumstances, a really bad weather forecast, very, very busy life and emotional circumstances lately, nagging, niggling injuries etc.  Life has gotten in the way of consistent running lately but I've felt good on the runs I have had.  Yesterday I felt great on the 1st loop and #1 I wanted to finish to get another notch on my "gunbelt" (ultra finish) but a big #2 was outrunning some torrential downpours that were predicted all over central and near east Texas.  My 1st loop (7.8 miles) was just a shade over an hour and a half and I was able to maintain that pretty well and come in at 25k in 3:09.   All in all a darn good 15.5 miles.  But, I was toast mentally and physically and decided to cash it in.

Over the last month or so I've been looking at the Trail Championship series.  There are two categories, one ultra distance and one sub ultra.  I've been thinking of doing the ultra but am now thinking very seriously about doing the sub ultra series.  After doing some investigative work it looks as if I may be able to do well in that category.  It would be something to get excited about and do some faster running too.  The idea of getting done with a trail marathon in 6hrs or even some 25k races is sure appealing. At least right now it is.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

middle age

Very good run around the 7ish mile loop at Townlake this morning.  This is the first time Shan and I have checked the new distance with her Garmin.  I believe she said it was 6.83.  Before the boardwalk it was a shade over 6.9.  Not a big deal except for anal peeps like me who like to measure their progress (or lack of it sometimes).   Our time this morning was 1:06.30.  Not too shabby but I was a bit disappointed.  It felt like sub 1:04 or so.

Trying to figure out what races to run this winter.  I always vacillate this time of year about which winter events to run.  One of the Bandera races is a no brainer.  Also, I've pretty much decided to enter the points championship this year so I really need to get in 3 races early in the year.  I was gonna do the 100k and 2 50k's but now I'm leaning toward the Bandera 50k and see how fast I can go at the Rocky Raccoon 50 mile.  And then maybe Hell's Hills 50 mile.  My goal is some good points and to possibly try for a new (middle age) 50 mile PR.  There is no way I'll ever get close to my old 50 mile PR of 8:51 from '99.  My middle age PR was set at Wild Hare in 2012, 11:40.  I know with some decent training I can go much faster than that in Huntsville.  I really feel like I can go at least sub 10:30 there.  So, looks like it's time to get busy!!

Saturday, November 8, 2014


Solid 17+ mile run in Barton Creek this morning in 4:10.  I think my crappy phone shorted me on some Runkeeper mileage, maybe as much as a mile.  I started with the first hilly portion of the loop Sam and pals use to run.  I KNOW with my previous phone the mileage was 6.5ish miles.  Today it said 5.5.  Anyway, I had an excellent run.  After I got out of the hills and down on the flats I felt great and kept the motor down pretty good the rest of the way.  This was a longer run I really had to have so I'm happy to have gotten it done!!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

old feller

Another great Thursday morning run.  Shan and I did the 10 mile loop in 1:39.43.  Very, very happy with that although we need to start and finish at the exact same spot for our improving times to be totally legit.  I'm an anal SOB when it comes to measuring my performance but that's okay.  One consistent thing is that I've started my watch the exact same place the last 2 times we've done the big loop.  We park in the YMCA parking lot and take the trail down towards Cesar Chavez between the baseball diamonds.  I start my watch not very far from the parking lot and then we end at the cross walk on Cesar Chavez just west of Lamar.  When Shan stopped her garmin this morning it said 9.94.  I was so fricking done and there was no way I was doing another .06.  Weak I know, but that's the deal.  All that being said the bottom line is that we knocked a full 5 minutes off our time from just 2 weeks ago.  I'm very sure I have the foam roller, extra stretching and the new push up routine to thank for the faster running.  I've never forgotten a 90 minute 10 miler I did at Townlake in probably '99 or '00.  I wonder.......if that could be done by this old feller again?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Very good 7 mile run at Townlake this morning.  My knee is showing signs of improvement with some recent stretching.  Along with some foam roller I hope it'll continue to improve enough for me to consider the Bandera 100k.  I'd sure like to get another shiny buckle!!

Monday, November 3, 2014


Started off my running month with a good 4 miler this morning in the 'hood followed by day 4 of my 100 push ups program.  Ended up having a decent month of running in October despite a whole of  bunch of personal stuff going on.  I've also been fighting some niggling stuff, plantar in one foot, an open dry spot on a heel of another, an achy left knee that I need to have someone look at.  Besides all that I'm gonna keep on trucking!!  I've a got a 50k next month to be excited about!!

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Shan and I had a great 10 mile run this morning!!  We did it in 1:45!!  Very happy with that.  Zero walking too, only a brief stop to refill my hand bottle.  We were actually running fairly slowly but I knew if we did no walking our time would be a decent one and sure enough it was.  Looking forward to my long run in Bull Creek Saturday.  BTW, pulled the trigger on the Warda 50k yesterday.  I sure wish Joe gave out mileage jackets there.  I'll be at 143 miles there after this race!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Nice easy 7 miles this morning downtown at Townlake.  A bit chilly at the start.  53ish degrees.  I wore a long sleeve under my short sleeve, cotton gloves and a skull cap.  I'm very sure I appeared to be a freak to the people who were dressed like it was a summer afternoon.  It's cool getting old because you get where you don't give a shit what people think.  It was a good run in a really good running month so far!!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

so far so good

Did the 7.4 mile Pleasant Valley/ Lamar loop both the last 2 mornings.  Yesterday with my boss and this morning with Shan.  Good run both mornings.  Yesterday my left knee was a bit achy but this morning was much better.  Maybe the increased mileage is a good thing.  22 miles this work is the most I've logged during the week in quite a while.  Really happy about that going into this Saturday's long run.  So far so good with the goal of 400 miles the last 3 months of '14!!

Monday, October 6, 2014


12 miles Saturday at Lake Livingston in 2:15.  Very, very happy with that effort considering a crappy nights sleep and I sort of considered bailing on the run completely because there was so much else going on.  I'm so glad I didn't.  I got in some great solo time on the country roads.

This morning I got in an easy 7 at Townlake before work.  My left foot and knee are bugging me some but I don't run again until Wednesday so I should be good.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Started the month off on a great note with a 5 miler in the hood this morning!!  Several peeps in my hood getting out and getting after it too.  Great to see!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Wrapped up this months running yesterday with an early morning 7 miler at Townlake.  I had hopes of getting in 100 for the month by getting in 2 runs today but I was just too zonked last night and slept in this morning.  I'm running tomorrow morning instead so it won't matter on my yearly mileage total.  Speaking of yearly mileage I'm gonna have a goal of cranking out 400 more miles this year.  In the big scheme of things 133+ miles per month really should not be a big deal but with my recent history it could be a formidable challenge.  If I really am serious about doing well in the 2015 Texas Trail Running Championship I really need to get in these miles this fall.

Friday, September 26, 2014


Early morning 5 miler in the hood this morning.  Had a good nights sleep but started waking up around 4 so I went ahead and got up and got my day started.  My experiment not using my Spenco inserts was not successful so I'm back to using them starting with yesterday mornings run and they feel so good.  I'm planning on a super easy 4 miler in the hood tomorrow morning before I paint all day at John P's office.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


First truly cool morning of the new season this morning.  As always a little chilly getting started but felt great during the run.  I'm still in recovery from the 50k last Saturday so I requested and was granted a couple of walk breaks but we still did the 7.5 loop in 1:18.

Monday, September 22, 2014


Another notch on the 'ol gunbelt yesterday.  I finished my 27th 50k in 7:05.  It didn't feel very pretty but not bad considering everything.  Unfortunately yesterday showed that I can still get out and get through a 50k with little or no real training.  I really need to change that.  With a little real training the last 2 months I could easily have run 30-45 minutes faster.  I also wore my hydration vest the entire way with very little training carrying it lately too which slowed me also.

The course was all on jeep roads on the Lighthouse Hill Ranch.  The ranch is north of Blanco and south of Johnson City so it is right in the heart of the beautiful Texas Hill country.  There were gorgeous vistas around every turn.  The course could have been so much more difficult if was truly a trail run.  And what an enormous ranch it was.  A ten mile loop all within a single property!

I've been fighting several little niggling injuries lately so I really thought I'd have to be satisfied with the 20 mile distance.  My left plantar has been bugging me for months.  I got a piece of chicken wire stuck in the ball of my foot a month ago that's also bugging me a bit.  My left knee has been doing great until the last week or so feeling like it needs an adjustment.  With all that said and along with very little mileage (98 miles the last 7 weeks) I really didn't expect to finish the 50k.

Our day started out perfectly until we got to my office and was unable to retrieve the breakfast tacos I'd purchased Friday morning ( I forgot them when I left work Friday afternoon) for the race. The only other thing I brought to eat were a few banana's and a few Clif Bars.  The race site is almost exactly a hour from home so that was a huge bonus but along the way we realize we don't have a chair packed for Misty.  Shit!! What the hell else can go wrong!  We arrive at the race site and the start/ finish line is a half mile walk in the dark on a jeep road.  I'm lugging my big race tool kit and a cooler full of ice and water bottles with my hydration vest on.  Misty keeps insisting on carrying the cooler but I tell her it's easier having something heavy in both hands vs. one.  After we get to the start/finish and get set up we figure that Misty can go into town for a chair and tacos after the race starts.

Sam V and I get started together and go through most of the 1st ten mile loop together.  Old times new times, here me and Sam are again, out there getting it done.  Not nearly in the fashion that either of us is accustomed too or necessarily happy with but nevertheless we're out there.  I take longer than Sam replenishing since he's carrying hand bottles.  I decided a few weeks ago to carry everything I need with the hydration pack.  Misty helps get me fixed up and going and I head back out feeling just okay.  The humidity on the 1st loop was pretty high and I'm totally soaked.  It takes me a couple of miles to catch Sam but we hook up and go a little ways together and all of a sudden I get a good burst of energy and continue on without Sam.  A couple of miles later I come upon David J.  I assume we're going to share some greetings and that I'd continue on alone but we finish out the loop together with some excellent conversation along the way.  I hadn't eaten very much on the 2nd loop so I was super happy that Misty had gone into Johnson City
for tacos.  Boy were they good!!  My out of shape body was telling me to stay in the chair and cash in the last loop but my mind was saying to continue on.   It took me 2:35 to do that last 10+ miles but I got it done. Now it's time for some damn TRAINING!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Got up a little earlier than usual to get in 7 this morning at Townlake.  Got down there at 530 so I didn't have to push it this morning, need to save some for the weekly Thursday run.  When we went to bed last night it was raining and rain was also predicted for this morning so I was a little concerned about getting rained out this morning but it worked out fine.  I'm not a big fan of running in the rain.

Starting to get a little excited about the 50k this weekend even though my plantar issue isn't resolved and I'm having a weird knee thing the last few days.  It really just feels like it needs a chiro adjustment, just a bit out of whack.  I seriously considered dropping to the 20 mile option but really need to get these miles in.  I've pretty well decided to do the Bandera 100k so this will double as a buildup for the 100k and Big Bend in November.

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Yesterday afternoon was probably the last hot afternoon run of the year.  I did the short 5 mile version of Forest Ridge taking it easy and mixing in plenty of walking.  I wore the snake gaiters for some Big Bend training and they were not too cumbersome.  I'll need to get some compression socks so they don't rub the skin off my legs.  Another busy weekend coming up.  Looking forward to a chill one one of these days......

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

nice morning

10 miles this morning at Townlake in 2hrs.  Very nice morning.  Even though the temp was 78ish you can feel that fall is right around the corner.  I mostly had the trail to myself this morning, not too many people out.  I was a little surprised.  

Sunday, September 7, 2014


It seems a lot of things got in the way of my running last month.  Unfortunately that happens I guess.  Life can get a pretty crazy sometimes.  The running always seems to come back around though.  Older and slower is the name of the game now but that's what happens.  I have my sights set on some distance this winter......again.  Looking forward to some long fall training runs along with the big one in Big Bend. It's coming back around I can feel it.

Thursday, August 21, 2014


We had a much different run today vs. last week.  As we were starting Shan announced that the temp was 82.  Yikes!!  It's gonna be a tough morning.  And sure enough it was.  We (I) needed a couple of walk breaks to get thru.  Oh well that's the way goes.  We still had a good time!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Early morning 4 miler in the 'hood.  I felt pretty good doing it in 47 min including cool down walk.

Thursday, August 14, 2014


Very good run this morning with Shan.  She did all the talking while she poured her heart out about a patient she's grown very close to.  He's been a patient of hers for over 2 years and received a heart last and she had the privilege of being able to be in the OR during the operation!!  Amazing story!!

So, between Shan doing 95% of the talking, lower temp and humidity and some core, strength training lately we had our fastest ever Lamar/ Pleasant Valley loop. Just a shade under 1:14 and that time includes a potty break that took just under 2 minutes.  So, a sub 1:12 was entirely possible this morning!!  Really, really happy with that!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Nice easy contemplative 7 mile loop around Townlake this morning.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

old fashioned

I did an old fashioned 15 mile out and back on the Barton Creek Greenbelt this morning.  My time was 3:50.  Pretty happy with that.  I had to sit down and take a shoe off to remove a rock at the halfway point and then took 15 minutes replenishing at Spyglass.  Not too shabby for an old guy in the morning heat and humidity of mid summer.  I stopped and visited with Rick for a few minutes and asked him to look after a friend of mine in need.  When the weather cools off I need to clean up the trail leading to his cross.

Thursday, August 7, 2014


Forest Ridge kicked my arse good yesterday.  It took me 2hrs even to traverse the 7.4 miles.  It was HOT!!  The slowest I can ever remember doing that loop is 1;45ish.  I did everything right yesterday too.  Ate 2 bananas and an apple, drank plenty of water and had 2 bottles with electrolyte in the them for my run.  Oh well.  Tis the season!!

Thursday, July 31, 2014


Lamar/ Pleasant Valley loop with Shan this morning.  We got a couple of easy miles in and I suggested  to Shan that we take a short walk break to the next 1/4 mile marker and do some 1/2 mile repeats.  We ended up doing 2x 1/2 mile with 1/2 mile recovery in between and then 1 last hard 1/4 mile.  They all hurt like hell but were very good.  It was good to do some fast running.  After the last couple of days the faster running almost seemed like primal scream therapy.  It was great release that I really needed.  I'm sure freaking slow.  As we were running the repeats it occurred to me that I ran an entire marathon about 30 seconds per mile slower than the 1/2 mile that was kicking my arse this morning.  That was 15yrs ago though.  Probably need to be sort of, but not completely satisfied I'm still out there getting after it.  I'm gonna keep plugging away till I can't move anymore!!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

gas (out of)

I was out of gas this morning on our 7.5 mile run due to my change in diet yesterday.  I had nothing.  It took Shan and I 1:26 to do the Lamar/ Pleasant Valley loop mostly due to my walk breaks.  I'm very glad Shan was understanding.

Monday, July 21, 2014


Another successful Rick Run is in the books.  Besides myself there were 9 people that participated in Rick's memorial run this past Saturday.

Mark L, Cris S, John N, my cousin Justin and his bro in law Marc G were at the start at 515.  We all did the 10 mile loop together in exactly 2hrs (a bit faster than I planned on).  Shan was arriving a little later than planned so Cris and John and I made a quick call to do the 3 mile Lamar loop.   It ended up being perfect timing because right when were done and walking up to our cars Shan was walking down the road looking for us.

After replenishing and  regrouping Shan and John and I took off on the 7 mile I-35 loop (all loops I'm referring to are based on the Mopac footbridge).   We ran together for approximately half of the loop and at that point I was slowing down significantly so Shan and John continued on.  With less than 100yds to go I came upon Shan and Linda R coming my way and we stopped to catch up for a minute.  They were headed out on two 7 mile loops and they reported Misty and Jennifer had just arrived!

Upon seeing Misty she kicked into crew mode and asked me what I needed and how I was feeling.  I got my lawn chair out and sat down to munch on one of the bean, guacamole and potato tacos and regroup a little.  At this point I was feeling pretty good but was discovering the hard way that my new shoes that I've been very happy with are a half size to small.  My 3rd toe on both my feet are as long, possibly a little longer than my 2nd toe and big toe.  This usually isn't a problem but these new shoes are cut in a pretty drastic angle from the big toe to the little toe.  What's crazy about that is that as I'm discovering the shoes are too small I'm going over the 100 mile mark in them.  I've done several 10 mile runs in them too.  You'd think this problem would have surfaced before now.  And, I suspect the outside/ plantar issue I'm having is due to these new shoes too.  I've got some miles yet to put on my newer pair of Torin so I'm gonna switch back to those this week and see how they feel.

The 3 of us took off walking together heading west to the Mopac footbridge and walked approximately a mile together before I got happy feet and took off on the rest of the 10 mile loop.  Although the temps were very moderate for a mid July day the humidity was trying to make up for it, I was starting to feel some fatigue.  My left foot was hurting some, my left hip was a bit achy and tired feeling but I was really feeling good about getting in 40 miles.  When I got back to the car I called M and told her I was going out on another 10 mile loop.  Right before I got back to my car Shan had texted that she got in 21 and was done.  I told her about my foot and hip and that I was going to get in another 10 miles. When I got off the phone with M I saw that Shan had sent another text saying what a good day 30 miles was and that maybe it would be a good idea to stop and not risk injuring myself.  I called M back and told her I was bailing and she immediately said,"I knew it"!!!  I told her what Shan said about not injuring myself and she agreed.  So, I was done at 30 miles, a bit disappointed but okay with the 30.

Another issue I'm having is my left hip area.  I think it's mostly my piriformis.  Marc G and I were texting Saturday and he told me to look into a youtube video called the Limber 11.  I took the time to watch the 20 minute video this morning.  There were some stretches and exercises that I already knew about but also some new very interesting ones that I'm looking forward to doing.

Now that I think they worst of my knee issue is behind me I really need to focus on fixing my hip so I've decided I'm not going to do the 40 miler in Glenrose this Sep.  I'm off to my best running start in 5ys and I've got one 50 miler and a 30 miler in so far  this year so I'm going to focus on maintaining my minimum 20 mile weeks and fixing my hip and be ready for some winter races.

Sunday, July 13, 2014


10 miles at Townlake in peak heat yesterday afternoon.   When I started at 3:15 the temp was 95.  At the halfway mark an hour later the temp had gone up to 96.  So my plan to get in a long run in the peak heat worked great.  Now if I can get my left foot fixed by next Saturday I'll be in good shape.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

looking up

My old fat ass is SLOW!!  I started with a slow, easy mile and then did 3x880yds with an easy 880 in between.  The 3rd I timed in 3:54.37.  My first thought when I looked at my watch was that my time was a few seconds shy of Roger Bannister's time when he became THE FIRST PERSON TO RUN THE MILE IN UNDER 4 MINUTES!!!!  How freaking pathetic am I?   I'll qualify it by saying it was my 3rd repeat and I was not giving it 100% but I was working pretty darn hard.  Oh well, I got it done and now I have a benchmark to go with.  I REALLY have to start making some speed part of a regular routine.

On another note.  For the last 3 weeks or so I've reverted to "walking like a caveman" and my knee pain is virtually gone and my hip is doing much better.  It's nothing short of amazing to me how making such a subtle change has made such a big difference with what seemed to a be a major issue that seemed as if it needed some serious intervention.  I've simply started walking slower and walking everywhere as if I'm barefooted,  basically walking very gingerly.  I originally started doing this 9yrs ago when my piriformis was flared up badly.  I found the caveman walk online and tried it and it helped.  On top of that I've had what was a minor knee issue for a couple of years that has gotten much worse the last 5 months or so.  Also, a couple of months ago my left hip/ piriformis went south again for the 1st time in years.  Things were looking pretty bleak until I was taking a walk break on the boardwalk 3 weeks ago I suddenly remembered the caveman walk.  I immediately started doing it and actually got some instant relief.  The huge unexpected bonus 3 weeks later is how much improved my left knee is.  I've also carried the caveman walk over to the Pose Run method which seems to have helped my knee too.

Anyhow, things are definitely looking up with my running and that makes Jeffie a happy happy boie!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


1:55 10 mile at Townlake this morning. I didn't feel great but I got it done.  Some good junk miles for the log.  Almost had the Boardwalk all to myself.  I counted 11 people from one end to the other this morning.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

drink less beer

Easy 7 miles at Townlake this morning to hopefully get a good (higher mileage) month of July kicked off.  I really need to buckle down (drink less beer) if I'm going to have a successful Rough Creek 40 miler in 11 weeks. Physically I'm doing pretty good besides a strange plantar/ foot issue.  I just need to be more diligent with everything, stretching, maintenance etc....

Thursday, June 26, 2014


Shan and I had a great run this morning.  We did the 7.4 mile Lamar/ Pleasant Valley loop in 1:13.40.  Very happy with that.  It's a Thursday morning PR by over 2 minutes!!  Yesterday and today's morning runs have gone a bit better due to some early electrolyte intake......I think.  Both mornings I've had a Camelbak tab with a cold glass of water before I left home and I think that's made a bit of difference.   This morning I got up a little earlier than usual so I was able to take my time and also eat a banana along with a Clif Bar.  One of my problems has been that I haven't taken the time do any post run stretching in a long long time, especially after our Thursday runs.  Today Shan did some extra miles so I took the time to go thru my normal stretching routine and my hip feels much better as I'm writing this.  As recently as a week ago I was afraid my goal race in Sep, The Rough Creek 40 miler was in serious jeopardy but is now looking like it can be a reality!!

6am Temp 71 Humidity 93%

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Easy 7 miles this morning at Townlake in 1:16.  This past Sunday a light came on in my gourd while I was in the downtown sweat lodge that is Austin Tx this time of year.  I've been having issues with my left hip and piriformis again after all these years.  It's really been bugging me and getting me down and then I remembered how I fixed it ten years ago, walking like a barefoot caveman!!  I immediately started doing it and I could tell a difference right away.  Today, 3 days later my hip is much improved and I think it's also helping my knee!! This morning on my run I carried the caveman style to my running and was relatively pain free the entire run, only some very minor knee ache.  Where I'm really seeing the difference is this morning at work post run.  Lately after my morning runs my left hip has hurt and ached so bad I couldn't come anywhere near walking normally.  This morning post run my hip feels much better than it has in weeks.  So, the hip and the knee are not 100% but they are both headed in the right direction and that makes this old feller HAPPY!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2014


21 mile weekend with 4:37 minutes on foot.  11 yesterday at Bull Creek/ Forest Ridge and 10 today at Townlake.  I got my new Altra Paradigm shoes and there are great.  My left knee liked them a lot and that's what I was hoping for.  Yesterday's run was late morning/ early afternoon and was good because because the morning humidity was gone.  I started today's run a few minutes before 9 and the humidity really kept me down, but I was happy with 2hrs it took me.   Very happy with this weekends effort!!

Thursday, June 19, 2014


10 miles this morning around Townlake with Shan in 1:50.  It was a pretty brutal run.  I'm very thankful for Shan's patience because we did a lot of walking today.  I was simply gassed after a few miles.  There are several factors including the humidity and just 2 of us now for conversation.  When we had Mark I could limit my part of the talking and let he and Shan carry on with me interjecting a few words now and then on the 2nd half of the run.  With Mark gone I'm fully in the conversation so it seems after 3-4 miles my heart rate is not catching a break at all.  Oh well, 'tis the season, at least winter is gone!!!

Sunday, June 15, 2014


15 mile weekend for me!!  Yesterday Jay, John and John's son and I hiked one Ken's loop and then I did another loop solo.  Today Misty and I explored a trail I've seen the trailhead for and was curious.  It's right where Old Spicewood Springs and Spicewood Springs meet.  It was a very nice 1.2 mile loop.  When we finished that I suggested we go downtown and walk the boardwalk at Townlake.  It was fun but very warm.

Thursday, June 12, 2014


Boardwalk run #2 went much better than #1.  My hip and knee felt much better today than they did Tuesday.  Not sure what the difference was but I'll take it.  Shan and I had a good run.  We mixed in 2 sets of walking totaling about 5-6 minutes and did the Lamar/ Pleasant Valley loop in 1:15.  When we got to the Lamar footbridge I asked Shan what the distance was and when she said 7.3 I said I'm done, lets walk in. She didn't complain.  

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


7 miles at Townlake this morning.  The new boardwalk is super cool.  Looks like I may be walking it a lot.  I think my body may be trying to tell me it's had enough running.  Getting really tired of nursing these nagging aches/ pains/ injuries.  I'll still be aiming for my 20 mile a week goal but with many more walking miles.

Monday, June 9, 2014


My childhood bud Jay and I hiked Ken's in 2hrs Saturday morning.  Even though we just reunited 4yrs ago after 30yrs I consider Jay one of my oldest friends.  His family moved 2 houses from my Grandparents when he was 5 and I was 7.  DD and I spent a lot of time at my Grandparents so therefore Jay and played a lot together.  Mostly front yard football and chasing the ice cream truck.  All very fond memories.  

We moved to the south side of San Antonio the summer before my 7th grade year and my Grandparents moved at the same summer so Jay and I weren't reunited until he was a freshman and I was a junior in high school.  I don't have much recollection of us really being friends again until the next year.  We were both hurdlers and I gave him rides home from school occasionally. 

Flash forward to sometime in '09.  We were hooked up my by old neighborhood pal Chuck Dakin and found out we've lived within 5-6 miles of each other for many years.  We've really hit it off again and become very good friends the last 4 years with many more to come!!

Friday, June 6, 2014


Early morning 4 miler today.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


My car has been in the body shop for almost a month.  We've got a guy painting my car for very cheap on a side job so we're sort of at his mercy.  He first said it should be ready by the end of May, then he said this Thursday.  Now it's been pushed to Saturday or Sunday.  I had been using alternately my boss's 3/4 ton Chevy 4 door truck and his Jeep, both gas hogs.  Yesterday when I found out that my car wouldn't be ready till the weekend I told Misty that I'd really like to get a loaner from her work.  She said I could just take her to work this morning and drive her car and she'd bring home the loaner this evening.

So, as not to put anybody out I decided I'd just run home from work yesterday.  I got on Google Maps and it looked like it was going to be around 8 miles or less.  I went up Balcones Dr/ Mopac access road across Mopac at Farwest and took the sidewalk down to Shoal Creek.  I headed north from there all the way to 183.  I turned left and took the turnaround under 183 and saw a trail that took me parallel to Mopac for a bit and then onto Neils-Thompson the back way.  Then over to Longhorn and on to Burnet Rd north.  Things got a little tight on parts of the south bound side of Burnet but I made it.  Even with my fairly direct short cuts it ended up being a bit over 9 miles in 1:44.  Pretty darn happy with that considering my left knee and left hip were hurting and the neuroma on my right foot was flaring up too!!

Monday, June 2, 2014


Got in a hung over 5+ at Kens Saturday and a good 7+ at Forest Ridge yesterday in the heat.  Yesterday was the 16th anniversary of no cigs and I also went over 17,000 miles since then.  Pretty darn cool.  I really look forward to this anniversary every year.  It's a nice reminder about me changing my life for the better permanently.  A cool side note is Misty followed suit 3 months later!!

Thursday, May 29, 2014


Mark and I had a great 10 miler this morning.  We did it non stop in 1:46!!  Very happy with that even though my left knee is still aching as I type this almost 6hrs later.  That's the 1st non stop 10 mile I've done since Diana and Shan and I did it possibly as long as 2 years ago on a Thursday morning ( If memory serves me correctly we did it that day in 1:41).  Another milestone this morning was only my 2nd nature call in 6 plus years of our Thursday morning run.

Some bad news is that Mark may be bailing out of our Thursday morning runs soon.  His wife is getting a job in San Antonio that she'll be commuting to daily.  That leaves him in charge of taking care of their daughter every morning.  Everything changes in time, nothing stays the same.

Thursday, May 22, 2014


I'm thankful, thankful, thankful to be able to do the running that I do!!  Had a good 7 mile run this morning with Mark L.  I started out pushing a bit too hard and was hurting pretty badly with 3 miles left.   Mark was holding back at the start and was pushing at the end.  I think I'm gonna change my tactics with that.  It definitely makes more sense to hold back a little in the first few miles than do it like I did today.
I got a little reprieve when I spotted our old running pal Mike Riggs.  Thankfully we were able to stop to talk to him for about a minute.  I told him I was never happier to see him than today!!  We all got a laugh out of that!!  Our time of 1:09.40 wasn't that bad after all I guess.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Really good 3 days of running and walking.  26ish total miles!!   I'm getting in much better shape too. Yesterday I did Ken's in 1:19.  I purposely took it easy and was only 4 minutes slower than a hard effort last week.  Things are looking better and better for the 40 miler in Glen Rose in Sep!!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

scar tissue

15 miles running yesterday at Barton Creek and 5 miles walking with Misty at Lady Bird this morning. Yesterday I went out with 120 oz of fluid in anticipation of Big Bend in November.  I'm very happy with my best mileage weekend in a while.  My knee did pretty good.  It hurt yesterday but I powered through and did a bunch of stretching yesterday afternoon and it felt pretty good this morning.  I'm now convinced I've got some scar tissue under my knee cap.  I'm sure the buildup of that scar tissue is the minor pain I've been feeling the past couple of years.  I've already texted our good neighbor Reenie about doing some vigorous massage on it to begin breaking it up.   It's going to be very painful but I'm very sure that's what needs to happen.

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Pretty darn happy with 1:06.48 for our 7 miler this morning.  Very happy that I'm not losing any marked fitness while I'm trying to get my knee squared away.  Didn't have to get on Mark's ass till around the 5 mile mark on this mornings run.  I'd call that a successful morning!!

Monday, May 12, 2014


3 mile hike at Ken's Saturday morning with Lovie and 5 miles in the hood this morning!!

Friday, May 9, 2014


Nice 5 patrol of the 'hood this morning.  Looked for Sam and Boodini but they were not to be found.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Good hard 5 miler at Kens yesterday after work in 1:14.56.  That's twice in the last few weeks I've gotten in a harder run at Ken's in the evening.  Maybe I need to make it a regular thing.

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Great 7 mile run this morning with Shan and Mark.  We did it in 1:08!!  Very happy with that time, my knee and my fitness.  With the positive reinforcement I got from today's run I'm going to be even more diligent with my knee stuff!!  Looking forward to cranking up the mileage in June!!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


64 miles this month.  Not bad for nursing a trick knee.  That mileage is more than 6 different months of the last 2yrs.  So, not too shabby.  I need 83 miles to go over 17,000.  I just love hitting those 1000 mile milestones!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Slow, slow 7 miler this morning at Townlake.   Left knee is still bugging me but I'm gonna keep plugging away at it!!

Monday, April 28, 2014


Good 15 miler at the lake this Saturday morning.  I made it to Buddy's house in 1:30 and texted Misty that I had arrived safely and that I was gonna hang with Buddy for a half hour or so.  She replied asking if I would be back in a certain time and I said no, that I would be much slower on the return.  Well, I lied.  My return was 5 minutes slower than the way out.  3:05 total run time with a total clock time of 3:42.  WOW!!  Did not expect that at all.  As I've grown older I feel slower and slower and less fluid in my running motion but it doesn't always translate to slower times.  As I got within a couple of miles of finishing Saturday I realized that this was going to be one of those deceivingly good days and that on some days I've still got it!!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Very good run at Ken's yesterday after work in 1:15!!  I've been feeling a bit like I've gotten out of shape so I pushed a little harder than usual and it paid off with a good time.  Knee was a bit achy but at least it's back to where it was before the loop race.  Foam roller and lunges this morning!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

West Texas

Not a lot to say about the trip to Big Bend this weekend besides it was freaking awesome!!  Big Bend has simply got to be one of the most beautiful places on earth and I'll leave it at that.  My cousin Justin and his brother in law Marc are a joy to be around and we already have a tentative date set for a return trip in Nov.  The original plan was to hike the Dodson trail (20 miles out and back) but after a terrible nights sleep and some soul searching I suggested that we do the long version of the South Rim instead (short is 12 miles, long is 15).  The South Rim hike is THE hike people come from all over the world to do and I was already feeling a little guilty about the three of us doing MY thing.  I knew they would be very happy with the change in plans once we actually got to the South Rim and they were.  I also knew when we go to the South Rim they would be as intrigued as I am about doing the 30 mile Outer Mountain Loop. With their map reading and navigation skills we were able to get a pretty good visual idea about where the Outer Mountain trail is as we looked down on the desert floor.
I have some close friends who've done amazing things, 2 who've done the Grand Slam of ultra running. Another has completed several races of the Grand Slam.  Multiple friends who've run the Boston Marathon.  A friend who's done several Ultraman's also!!  I suppose we all want to leave our mark or have a legacy of some kind.  For several years I've put a bit of pressure on myself to do the ONE big thing to raise myself up to my friends status as having done "the big one".  I do have a few races I can hang my hat on but not the one that says, "Jeff Farrell did__________!!"  2 Rocky Raccoon 100 mile finishes do not qualify as big by the way, although my 24:47 finish at the age of 48 is somewhat up there.  My 50 mile and 50k PR's are pretty darn good.  8:52 and 4:53 but not the one BIG thing.  I've decided I'm done chasing that "thing".
After this weekend it's looking like my personal legacy will be my time spent in west Texas, specifically Guadalupe Mountains and Big Bend and surrounding areas.  I have 2 very ready and willing cohorts in my cousin Justin and his brother in law Marc G.  Marc loves west Texas so much he's looking into purchasing several acres in Brewster Co. and converting a steel container into a liveable place to stay a few times a year.  This most recent trip to Big Bend was my 9th trip to either Big Bend or Guadalupe Mountains with a 10th trip in the works back to Big Bend in November.  So, the immediate goals are maintaining my running health, getting in the occasional 50 miler or 50k, continuing my 15yr+ average of 20 mile weeks in pursuit of running enough miles to get get around the globe (25,000) and a TRIP EVERY SIX MONTHS TO WEST TEXAS!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Pretty darn good 7 miler at Townlake this morning.  I did it in 1:18 despite my knee still being in serious recovery mode.  The knee is definitely coming along nicely.  I have to continue with the foam roller, in fact that is something that I'll always need to do.  I always knew it was important but it's truly amazing how quickly it's helping my knee turn around.  Wednesday mornings is now going to be my running drill morning.  Thankfully I have a hill with a good amount of elevation right in my 'hood that I will use to do some backward walking. I have a gut feeling that that is going to help my knee immensely.  I'm going to research some other running drills but I know I'll also be doing some sideways running.  The lateral movement should help too.

Monday, April 14, 2014


Got in an early 5 miles Saturday morning before we headed to San Antonio.  The knee felt pretty good most of the way but hurt a bit coming down the hill on Scribe so when I got back to the house I did another loop and showed it who is boss.  2nd shorter loop went well.  It's definitely on the mend.  June is the month I need to start ramping up my mileage for the Cactus Rose 50 mile!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

pain free

I had a relatively pain free 4 miler with Shan this morning.  It should have been our usual 7 miler but I made a  smart call to cut it short.  We ran at a fairly easy pace and I focused on controlled short steps.  We had one walk break when we turned west on Riverside and then walked in over the Lamar bridge.  So, no real pain even though I can tell it's still not right and have a ways to go, I'm definitely headed in the right direction after being in severe pain 8 days ago!!  I'm trying desperately NOT to worry about my monthly mileage!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Allen Park

4 mile run from our new office yesterday after work.   I ran north on Balcones turned left on Hart Ln and the 1st left into the resdential neighborhood, 150yds on the left is Allen Park. 7/10ths of a mile.  It's a nice little wooded park with lots oak trees and picnic tables.  It didn't take me very long to figure out the trails with the far outside trail being only .4 mile with some inner trails thrown in.  Not sure how much running I'll do here but it's there if I want it.

I'm encouraged about my knee.  It hurt very little until the 3ish mile mark which tells me it's improving.  I'm going to keep doing the all the exercises he's got me doing and I also emailed him with questions on some others I may need to be doing as well.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Forgot to post that Thursday between morning and afternoon workouts I did 400 crunches, 150 pushups and several sets of curls with 25lb dumbells.  Haven't done shit since though......life sure can get in the way sometimes.....

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Well, I'm officially injured.  My left knee hurt terribly after my ill advised attempt to run last Wed morning, 4 days after completing 52 miles at Run Like the Wind the previous Saturday.  Since last Wednesday I've been using the foam roller diligently as Shan suggested and it seems to be working.  Last Wednesday and Thursday I could barely navigate the stairs at work but by Friday the knee was much better. Saturday morning I had a good 2 mile walk with little or no pain.  Misty and I walked 3 miles at Ken's Sunday and again I had little or no pain so I thought I'd be good for an easy 5+ miles at Kens yesterday after work.  NOT!!  The pain started immediately when I started running yesterday and didn't ease up at all so I bailed at the 3 mile mark.  Funny thing is, not long after I got home I had little or no pain again and today I'm not in any pain and have gone up and down the stairs at work a couple of times with a tad of discomfort, nothing major, no sharp pain like I had when I was running.

I realize this isn't going to be fixed quickly and that I'll have to be patient.  Reenie thinks she knows something that will help so I've got an appt with her after work today and I won't be shy about going to Richard McCormick either.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


180 sit ups
60 pushups

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Nice easy 2 mile walk in the 'hood this morning.

Monday, March 24, 2014


52 miles in 15:35 Saturday/ Sunday.  We hear the term, "it's relative", all the time.  Relatively speaking my performance this weekend was pretty weak and disappointing. I need to look at my events list but I don't think I've ever run 50 miles slower than 12hrs.  I've been working harder than usual the past several months on core stuff but haven't gotten in many long runs.  And, I've been abusing myself pretty good with beer lately too.  How many people can say in a 7 day period they got drunk enough to fall down on their front porch and have trouble getting up and inside their house by themselves AND run 50 miles?  Well this guy can I'm ashamed to say.  It's the truth though and maybe putting it out here like this will help me slow down some.

This past weekend is the last event where I'll attempt to go longer than 50 miles or 100k.  I'm just not up for the mental stress and challenge of staying up thru the night any longer.  I'm thinking the Tejas 250 would be a great challenge along with the Bandera 50k or even 100k thrown in for good measure.

Oh, and no more loops at Run Like the Wind for me.  Sam needs solid volunteer support from people who are focused only on volunteering, not muddying the waters by participating too.

Thursday, March 20, 2014


Shan and I had a good Thursday morning run.   We ran 1:07.09 so I feel like I redeemed myself a bit from last Thursday.  Last week I just wasn't feeling it.  I'm really happy with our time considering all the talking I did.  Shan probably did 2/3 of the talking though.  I texted her afterward and suggested to her that we could have run 1:05 or faster if Mark or Steve had joined in to share in the conversation.  Oh well, it was a good time as usual!!

I was perusing another running blog (JT) and saw that he lists what he does for each day of the week.  I've made some adjustments to my blog to start doing that.  If I'm committed to putting down a plan every Sunday for what my plans are for each day of the week maybe just maybe that'll add some discipline to my life.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


7 miles at Forest Ridge in 1:45 yesterday after work.  Decent run considering I've only run a few times this month.  My knees (specifically left) were hurting pretty much constantly after the 35 minute point. I have been a little lax in doing lunges regularly but I've got to figure out something soon.  I'm really tiring of this but I'm not throwing in the towel.  On a knee related note I'm signed up for the 24hr this Saturday/ Sunday at Run Like the Wind in south Austin.  Even with the knee issues I'm excited about the run.  It's going to be fun to see how it turns out\.  How far I can go, what my state of mind is, the dynamics of the event, the weather etc.....

As I'm writing this I'm realizing that I haven't finished an event since the 11/12 Wild Hare 50 mile!!  16 months!!  I've been signed up for at least 2 events that outside forces kept me from starting so I really feel like I need to have a good 2014 in regards to events!!  Here's my plan so far.

Run Like the Wind 3/19

Hogs Hunt 50k Huntsville May 10

Long Rick Run July 12 (4 out and backs at Barton Creek OR see how many miles I can do at Townlake during their open hours 5am-10pm

Lighthouse 50k Blanco Sep 20

Cactus 50m or 100m Bandera Oct 25

Wild Hare 50m Warda Nov 22 (depending on CR 100)

Thursday, March 13, 2014


Mark texted this morning that he was tired so it was just Shan and I for the weekly run.  Sort of glad Mark wasn't along.  I really wasn't feeling it this morning so I was glad when Shan agreed to mix in a few walk breaks.  Even with 3 walk breaks and a potty break we still went around in 1:11.  Pretty darn good for "not feeling it".

I've been getting some calisthenics fairly regularly but haven't posted about it.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


I'M DAMN TIRED OF SITTING!!!   Our office moved Tue Feb 25 so it's only taken 6 days of total sitting to start inflaming my piriformis.  I had a stand up desk along with my normal desk at the other office for the last 6+ years.  My practice is to keep my laptop and a phone slip pad on the stand up that way if I need/want to look at my computer I'm forced to stand, and with my headset I can take phone calls.  The stand up was originally a patio table at my bosses house.  He wanted to get rid of it so I asked him if I could bring it to the office and he said okay.  My best guess is that I normally spend 40% of my day at my stand up but since the move I'm sitting 95% of the time and it's killing me.
Our old office was old and pretty beat up so having a rustic table inside was okay.  Our new office is a normal office.  New carpet, fresh paint and a normal office setting so my plan was to not bring the stand up until I could put a new top on it and paint the legs.  The plan has changed to me painting the legs after work today while I drink some IPA's and Sam is going to help move it to my office tomorrow on his way to work. I'll put a table cloth on it until I can get the new piece of stained and finished wood on it.

Had a good solo Thursday morning run.  I started off not pushing too hard and then a couple of miles in I thought I'd test my theory about mixing in some walking but still having a decent run time.  Well, sure enough it worked out.  I mixed in 5 walk breaks and ran 1:07.12.  Right there with other recent runs.  It felt good to be running AND taking some breaks.  I'm pretty sure it's been a long time since anyone was stuck running Thursday morning all by themselves.  I suppose I shouldn't say "stuck".  I'm good running alone anytime.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


6 miles in the hood this morning in 1:10.  Took it easy since I'll be busting it hard with Mark tomorrow morning.  Shan will be gone on vacation.

Saturday, March 1, 2014


500 jumping jacks to get the weekend kicked off!!

Also a couple of sets of steps using a sturdy wooden stool built by Misty's Uncle Gene.  I need to start incorporating those once a week.

Friday, February 28, 2014

blowout stats

Since I've been pretty consistent with my calisthenics I'm going to begin posting them on here so I don't have to remember my benchmarks.

Yesterday afternoon at work I did 180 crunches, 90 pushups and 96 lunges in 1hr.

Several times now I've done a 20 minute blowout.  After my 15 mile run last Saturday morning I did 210 crunches in 20 minutes when I got home!!

One day at work last week I did 96 pushups in 20 minutes.

Thursday, February 27, 2014


7 mile Thursday morning run with Shan and Mark.  We did it 1:05.  Another cold morning.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Got in a 10 miler yesterday morning at Townlake.  It almost didn't happen for various reasons.  First, we were moving our offices yesterday and things were going to be a bit more stressful than usual.  Secondly, mother nature started calling pretty forcefully just a few miles into my run.  I nearly peeled off at Congress but decided to roll the dice and continue on to I-35.   By the time I got to I-35 mother nature had eased up on me some so I continued with the original plan for the big loop. Everything was okay until I got around to the power plant and then mother nature kicked in hard.  At the ball field I tried the men's room door knowing it would be locked and it was.  I went around the corner and spied a port o john next to the outfield fence and thankfully it was stocked with paper!!  Don't think I would have made it back to the Y!!

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Ran 15 miles at Barton Creek with Marc G. in 3:48.  I could have probably gone 3:30-3:35 alone.  Marc ran out of gas with about 6 left but it's all good.  He hasn't been able to run much and did real well on the little mileage he's logged.  We have a good repoire together.  I'm battling another sinus thing and wanted to drink Friday evening instead of run Saturday morning but Misty gently put her foot down and I'm glad because my running felt good even with the sinus issue.

Thursday, February 20, 2014


Did my last run from the office yesterday morning.  An easy 7 miler down to Townlake and back.  We are moving to north/ central Austin next week.  Since I joined the Y I'll still have the option of running downtown if I choose to.  I'm going to miss being near downtown on a regular basis.

Monday, February 17, 2014


Very productive weekend.  Got some great adult business taken care of Saturday and yesterday Misty and I met Shan at 3 points of the marathon and the finish and then had a great lunch at Shady Grove.  What a cool way to spend the day.

Shan and I agreed that it would be really cool to get an early start next year and do the marathon course backward then also do the marathon for a double road marathon!  Shan and I both agreed that Mark will surely be in and I called to Sam to see how he did at the marathon and planted the double marathon seed.  It has a solid year to germinate, blossom and grow!

Gonna have a crazy busy week and I need to get in some good miles so I set my alarm for 415 this morning and was out the door @ 445 for a good 7 miler for a good start to the week.

Saturday, February 15, 2014


7+ miles in the 'hood this morning then a 2 mile interpretive hike at Bull Creek/ Forest Ridge.  It's been several years since I've had the pass/ badge to be able to run during the Golden Cheek Warbler mating season.  The pass is good for 3 years but the hike so informative today I think I may do the hike again next year.  It was 2 hours very well spent.  The biologist that led the hike was an Austin native and was a very, very good speaker.

I also saw an old running pal Mike Riggs.  He and I ran the same first marathon, 50k and 50 mile and are also the same age.  We also started our 1st 100 mile together.  He finished and I didn't.  We also have a bunch of training miles together but sort of grew apart the last 5-6 years.  It was very good seeing him and the conversation was easy.  We are still very comfortable together.  We agreed to get together for a run soon.  What I think is pretty damn cool is that we're both still at it 15 years later!!

Thursday, February 13, 2014


7 miles at Townlake this morning Shan and Mark.  Today was my trial run using the shower facilities at the Townlake Y.  Everything went smooth as silk.  An old dog changing his routine!!  I've been pretty spoiled having a shower at work these last 6+ years but all things change.  It's actually been a very positive thing.  I've done 2 cardio workouts at the YMCA Northwest that I wouldn't done if I hadn't been forced into the Y membership.  I figure I have access so I may as well use it for my benefit.  I may look into a spin class and am planning on swimming on Wednesday mornings soon.  I'm tracking my Y visits on my blog for some extra motivation.  I may not need it though.  This mornings run was 2 minutes faster than recent Thursday morning runs (1:06ish) even though I went to bed still fairly sore from Tuesday mornings cardio class.  I'm pretty stove up right now but it's a good sore, a getting STRONGER sore!!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

good times

Cold, cold, cold 7 mile run this morning!!  Mid 20's with the windchill in the teens.  I wore 2 skull caps, 2 pairs of gloves, running tights under my winter running pants. 2 thin long sleeve shirts under my Gore Tex shell.  Also had a wrap around my neck.  I was perfect.   I never got too hot or sweaty.  Mark gave Shan and I the usual hard time about being overdressed.  We gave it back to him though.  Good times!!

Thursday, January 30, 2014


Our run got off to a good start the 50yrds or so until the young cackling hens got fired up right behind us.  We could hardly hear ourselves talk.  At first we were going to drop back behind them but it was quickly apparent they were running pretty much the same pace as we were so I said I made the idiotic suggestion to  pull away from them.  I sure was regretting that decision while I was sucking major eggs trying to keep up with Mark and Shan going up the hill on Riverside Dr.  Oh well it all worked out okay.  Shan and I continued on after our 7 and I did the 3 mile loop and Shan continued on for 21 miles!!  My 10 was in 1:45, pretty happy with that!!

I'm super happy with my mileage total of 91 this month.  As of Jan 12 I had a total of 11 miles due to my achilles and my upper respiratory viral infection.  For '13 I only had 5 months of more or equal mileage to this month.  I thought this months mileage was toast and getting my year off on mileage right off the bat it worked out okay!!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


I got in a run I really needed yesterday evening.  Talk about staying out of the looney bin, that's what yesterdays run was all about.  I was in a real low spot due to several factors.  I let one of my co-workers behavior really affect me yesterday afternoon AND I'm REALLY @#$%ing tried of winter.  If memory serves me correctly we had some fairly cold temps before Thanksgiving this year.  Winter just seems to be dragging on and on this year.  I did the 7 mile loop at Townlake in the midst of the polar vortex and felt much better afterwards.
I'm starting to get excited about pacing my pal Sam V at RR100 this weekend.  He will be the 4th friend I've paced to a RR100 finish.  He and I had a really good conversation this morning about food and other logistics.  I think part of the appeal of doing the long distances for me is the planning, gear and logistics.  I think part of it is the way I'm geared but I'm sure part of it goes back to being a field Marine ages ago.  (A little bragging here.  A day or two ago I was thinking how cool it was that I planned and prepared all the gear for our trip to Guadalupe Mtns with NO written list.  I will also say my wife did verbally remind me of several items.  She's fairly experienced at these things too.....LOL).  The difference with this particular pace job is that Sam is 62 therefore he can have a pacer the entire 100 miles so I've decided I'm going to do 60 miles with him.  I'm doing a little self serving here.  It's gonna be a great long run in preparation for the Run Like the Wind 24hr March 22.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

cold cold

Cold, cold Saturday AM run!!  I got a little later start than I wanted to but was still the 1st person at the HOL.  I've been using the tech-no-logie in my phone lately.  The music app to be specific.  It's cool and weird at the same time.  Once I get the music going it's pretty cool but it's just alien screwing with the logistics of it all, ear pieces etc..  I've been thinking it would be pretty cool to have it for the night portion of the 24hr in March.  I may need to get different ear buds though.  Midway thru my run I was starting to get a reverb during my footfalls that got a little annoying.  My ears could have been stopped up too.  They haven't been quite right since my sickness and the elevation change on our trip to west Texas.

So, I'm chugging along and I get to Twin Falls where I'm really hoping the water will be low enough for a dry easy crossing.  I first go to the point where Rick and I used to cross but there is no way so I go around the corner upstream a bit and see that it's looking pretty good to stay dry.  The water was flowing heavily between a couple of big rocks but getting across looked very doable.  I had to commit to a fairly lengthy step out though.  Here goes nothing and BAM, SLOSH. In the water!!  The air temp was 26-28 degrees.  I fumbled around as my right leg also went in to the knee.  My main concern at this point is NOT going under completely, keeping my spare phone dry and not submerging my 2 hand bottles.  SUCCESS!!  Only feet and legs.  But my damn feet are going to be cold, cold for a good while.  Oh well, it all worked out and I had another good out and back in the Barton Creek Greenbelt.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

great time

I'm going to stop describing my Thursday morning runs as good or great.  They are are all great.  So, here we go.  

7 miles at Townlake this morning with Shan and Steve.  I was telling Misty this morning before I left home how the dynamic of our Thursday morning runs can vary from week to week.  Typically it's Shan, Mark and I.  Sam V has joined in a couple of times recently and also Diana H. but Steve F. called yesterday afternoon to let me know he was going to join us, and Mark texted yesterday evening letting me know that he would not be joining us this morning.  It's been quite a while since Steve joined in so it was very cool to have him along.  He's a very good (fast) runner and he always tries to push the pace.  We all had a great time as usual!!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Guadalupe Mountains

Good 7 mile run at Townlake yesterday morning.  I'm extra proud of my getting out.  To say that Vincent and I were worn out when we returned from Guadalupe Mtns Monday would be a huge understatement.  We were very tired and  very sore.  We got in 18 miles in 10hrs hiking the Peak and doing a fair chunk of El Capitan as well.

Vincent and I had an outstanding time bonding.  Lots and lots of good conversation.  He really was game for pushing his limits.  18 miles in one day is new PR.  His previous long was pacing me 10 miles at the Wild Hare 50 mile Nov '12.  I'm really looking forward to our next adventure whenever it may happen!!

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Great 7 miler this morning with Diana, Mark and Shan.  It had been several weeks since we have all run together so it was nice all of us being together again.  It may be quite a while if ever we are together on a Thursday morning due to Diana and Rob't moving from Austin next week.  The are a huge part of our ultra running community and will be missed!!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Decent 7 mile run this morning at Townlake.  Still not over what ever viral infection I've got but I'm gonna keep on truckin anyway. I'm gonna show this virus who's BOSS!!!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

come around

2 miles at Kens yesterday and 4 miles at Forest Ridge today.  I'm still not completely over whatever sickness I've had but am slowly improving.  I damn sure ready to be 100%.  I would have never guessed that my running year would start so badly but it has and I have to persevere.  It'll come around!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

thud #2

2103 ended with a thud and 2014 seems to be starting that way.  I went to the Dr yesterday and found out I have an upper respiratory viral infection and was told by the Dr that I should definitely not run AT ALL this Saturday.  The way I still feel this morning at work I pretty much agree.  It would be pretty irresponsible for me to even run the 50k and risk any kind of relapse after taking 3days off work due to this illness.  170.00 buckaroos down the tubes too.  I've decided I'm not going to sign up ahead of time for races.  I (we've) lost too much money thru the years on lost entrance fees.  Joe's races are only 20.00 more for race day, not unreasonable at all.  Next on the horizon, looking forward to pacing Sam 60 miles at RR100 and Sam's 24hr on March 22.

Sunday, January 5, 2014


This running year ended with a resounding thud.  I had been experiencing a strange pain down below my left ankle as if I had rolled it or had some trauma to it for about 10 days or so.  At work last Friday afternoon I began flexing it and rolling it around and after a while realized it was hurting bigtime.  By the time I left work I could only walk with a pronounced limp.  It hurt!!  The pain started below my ankle and ran up my leg not quite to my calf.  Well, I had my last long run scheduled for the next day  The weather forecast was beautiful and I was looking forward to a good long run.  When I left work I called Shan and left her a message telling her what was going on and to see what her advice might be.  She called me later saying she thought it was my achilles flairing up.  Wow, I never expected that.  Her advice was to not run and take a bunch of vitamin I and ice a lot.  Well so much for a good positive ending to this running year.  On a positive note the Ibuprofen and ice really seem to have done the trick.  Thursday evening after work I went on my first easy test run on the trails in Pease Park.  I had a good 5 miler and mixed in plenty of walking.  That afternoon I sort of felt like I might be getting sick but thought a little fresh air would help.  NOT.  I woke up Friday morning feeling terrible.  I mostly had body aches but felt just terrible.  Now wasn't this just crazy.  I get the achilles under control and am 8 days out from the Bandera 100k and now I'm frickin sick!!  Well here I am early Sunday morning and am feeling much better.  A little hungover from the meds I've taken but definitely feeling better. I need to do a bunch of stretching and working out the kinks after doing nothing but lay around the last 2 days but now I think I can look forward to the race!!