Wednesday, September 30, 2015

time will tell...

September is my first 100 mile month in 14 months.  I'm pleased about the mileage total but it just reiterates how truly shitty my running has been for a long time.  I'm trying to get it back.  Time will tell......

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Me and Amanda had a nice easy 5 miler from her apartment early this morning.  It looks like our new weekly run is going to work out nicely for both of us!!

Friday, September 25, 2015

good fall

Very good 7 miler this morning.  I probably walked twice as much as last Thursday with Shan and had the exact same time.  I could have pushed harder but remembered I'm still in  recovery mode from last Saturday's 20 miler.  I think it's gonna be a good fall!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

core, arms...

Solid 5 miler with Amanda early this morning.   We did it in approximately 1 hour.  We ran at a decent pace and when we took walk breaks it was straight power walking.  Nothing easy about it!!

The only way I'm going to be able to continue my long running with any success (when I say success I mean NOT last of 3 in my fucking age group) I'm going to have to work on my core and arm strength.  I was very close to death march stage the last 5 miles last Saturday and I could feel the weakness in my lower abdomen down into my upper thighs and my arms were way behind the curve too.  Pretty pathetic really.  Focus, focus, focus is what I have to do!!

Core, arms, core, arms, core, arm, core, arms, core, arms, core, arms, core, arms, core, arms, core, arms, core, arms, core, arms, core, arms, core, arms, core, arms, core, arms, core, arms core, arms...

Monday, September 21, 2015


Pretty satisfied with my 20 mile race in Blanco Saturday.  2nd straight year I've participated in an event at Run in Texas Lighthouse races.  Last year I did the 50k and I'm damn glad I didn't this year.  It was a hot sucker Saturday with the jeep road being totally exposed to the sun.  I'm pretty happy with my time of 4:15.  First 15 was exactly 3hrs and the last 5 nearly turned into a death march.

I think I've determined that I've got a ball of scar tissue in the ball of my right foot that I'm going to start aggressively rolling with a lacrosse ball.  I'm super pleased that the 20 miler didn't seem to flair it up at all.

My recovery seems to be going well.  I did an easy 7+ at Townlake this morning and have an early morning run planned for tomorrow morning with Amanda.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

ultra runner

Trouble sets in when whoever or whatever you define yourself as begins to crumble.  For whatever reason.  I suppose lots of people if not most go through this.  So, to put it bluntly the person crumbles or redefines themselves in a different manner?

I'm doing all I can to hang onto my current definition of myself....a runner. Specifically an ultra runner.   An aging athlete is what I am now.  Nagging/ fighting injuries take their toll on an older guy for sure.  I'm convinced it's not for lack of "want to" that ultimately takes out old athletes.  Look at how the pros try to hang on.

Ego?  Now we're really getting somewhere.  We (ultra runners) love to answer the question, "are you still running" with, "sure am, did a 50 miler two weeks ago".  

Not throwing in the towel yet on who I define myself as or letting go of that ego thing either.....

Thursday, September 10, 2015

see how it goes....

Didn't feel much like a runner this morning after a week layoff but thankfully Shan took it easy on me.  I'm gonna keep on plugging away at this running thing and see how it goes.....

Thursday, September 3, 2015


3+ mile power hike with a little running mixed in with Amanda yesterday evening at Ken's.  This morning Shan and I did the 7+ mile loop at Townlake in 1:18!!  Had planned on an extra 3 this morning but got a text from my coworker saying she couldn't open due to car trouble so I got ganked on my extra 3 miles.  Was super bummed about that but I suppose I just need to get over it.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Had a pretty decent 9 miles this morning at Townlake.  Lately I've been in a funk that's been feeding on itself that I need to get a grip on.  I'm not happy not feeling like the runner I'm capable of being.  I need to get focused asap if I'm going to continue running ultra's.  I'm not getting any younger but feel like I have some good races/ miles in me yet.