Sunday, July 28, 2019

27:40 NOT

I knew there was something fishy about that 27:40.  It was 2.5 miles!!


Early 2 mile walk with Ellie.  After some errands and a movie I got stir crazy so I got out for a solo 3 miler at 11.  I'm pretty happy with a time of 27:40.   It was pretty hot so I got a real good sweat on.  That was my non Ellie outing in quite a while.  It was entirely too hot for her to join me.

Friday, July 26, 2019


Nice cool early morning 3 miler with Ellie.  I actually ran most of it.  It felt great outside, cool temp with minimal humidity.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019


4 miles with Ellie this morning.  That's our longest run/walk in quite a while.  We took it easy.  She got to run through some sprinklers and waller in the cool grass a few times.  We stopped so I could give her water at the 2 mile and 3+ mile mark.  I never ever push her.  If she lags at all we stop to walk until it seems like she's better!!

Friday, July 19, 2019


Easy 3 mile run with Ellie this morning.  Maybe that sentence should be the title of my blog!

Monday, July 15, 2019


Easy 2 mile run with Ellie this morning!

Sunday, July 14, 2019

more running

3 mile run/walk yesterday morning.  More running than Thursday.  Early morning 2 mile walk this morning.  Obviously all miles are with my Ellie!!

Thursday, July 11, 2019


My ankle has been feeling better for a few weeks so me and Ellie got out for a real easy 3 mile run/ walk this morning.  It was actually a pretty good amount of slow running.  It felt good.  I'm pretty sure Ellie enjoyed as much or more than me!!