Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ran and walked 5 miles yesterday on my special 360 trails in around an hour. My damn left knee was achy again during and after so I iced and, I've decided I'm gonna lay off of it for 2 weeks and let it heal. It feels like a meniscus issue. I've suffered from this before. It should heal itself if I can lay off for a while.



Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ran the 4 and 3 mile loops at LBL this morning in 1:06. I felt pretty good. I did a sort of fartlek with some fairly fast running mixed in with some walking.

My knee felt better with the ache shifting from the left side to above the kneecap so that tells me it's really nothing to worry about. I tried to focus on good running posture....getting good knee lift etc...



Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I ran and walked the 7 mile loop at LBL this morning in 1:15. Not too bad considering how much I walked and the long detour around the bridge over Waller Creek.

My knee is still achy and I still don't have much zip......although my time this morning really doesnt reflect that. That time also includes my cool down walk across the footbridge.

Not too sure if my achy knee is being caused by my new shoes or possibly my chiro adjustment weeks ago......just trying to figure it out.



Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ran the 7 mile LBL loop with Steve this morning in 1:06. We had a good run even though my left knee still has a weird ache going on. I'm sure it's one of those things that's going to pass.



Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ran 6 miles this morning at Barton Creek from the HOL. Left knee still feels a bit weird. Not sure what to make of that. I had a good run this morning though. I mostly walked down the HOL to get in a good warmup. I really need to start getting in one afternoon run a week to start getting acclimated to the heat.

I think I've definitely decided that there are no more 100 mile runs in my future. The thought of the pressure of staying awake thru the night and getting in the training are just not appealing to me anymore.

I'm gonna stick with 100k's, 50 milers and 50K's. I would like to travel and do some of the 100k's around the country like Miwok and Coyote 2 Moon too.



Friday, April 9, 2010

Got in an easy 5 miler at Barton Creek yesterday after work. I still had dead legs and not much zip but that's not unusual for a Thursday afternoon. However, I do think I'm still recovering from HH's



Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ran the 7 mile loop at LBL yesterday morning with Shan and Mark in 1:08. Still feeling a bit sluggish from Saturday.


I DNF'd at 33 miles at Hell's Hills last Saturday. I was in good shape for a simple finish or even 13hrs or so but I burned myself up trying to go under 11hrs.

