I sucked it up and went to bootcamp yesterday after work. I haven't been in a couple of months partly due to laziness and partly because I really enjoyed doing it outside in the weather. The class Misty and I had been attending was held outside in the park parking lot. Now they've moved to a place almost as close but it's inside. After doing bootcamp outside the idea of doing it inside does not sound appealing at all. None of the other classes are perfect timing so I've decided that Wed is going to be my bootcamp day. Ty R., an ultra runner, leads a class at Auditorium Shores Mon-Thur at 5pm. If I have to do deliveries there is also a class at 530 at the park inside the Triangle and if I can't make that there's a 630 at Canyon Vista MS. So, basically I've given myself no outs for Wed bootcamp.
I had no deliveries when I got off at 4 yesterday so I was able to change and get to Auditorium Shores and park by 4:25. I did an easy 1st street to Lamar loop for a warm up (1.3 miles). When I finished my warm up run I expected to see people gathering near the parking lot but there was no one. Then I noticed some people over near the trees across the main grassy area with yoga mats. I made a quick and stupid decision to leave my choice parking spot and try to get a street side spot so I wouldn't have to carry my stuff all the way across the field. Well, I get over there and no parking spots. I drive down towards Lamar and make a u-turn in front of Butler pitch and putt and head back. My only option is to head back to the main parking lot and of course, there are 3 cars already queued up waiting for people to leave. What an IDIOT!!!!
It all worked out though. I was able to park, grab my stuff and get over to the proper spot with 5 minutes to spare. Ty immediately recognized my old ass even though we had never met before. He came over, introduced himself and said he recognized me by the red Bandera 50k shirt I was wearing because he ran the same race. We made small talk about ultra stuff. He asked if I had ever finished a 100 mile race and when I told him I had he really lit up. He's an excellent runner in his own right, finishing 2nd in the 30k Rogue race this past Sunday. So, I was pretty flattered when he swooned over my 2 100 finishes.
He told me he had a fitness test scheduled for part of the regular workout. The fitness test consisted of a 1 mile run, squats and how long you could hold a plank. I wasn't sure what to expect from the run but I ran it in 7:30. I think the course was a shade short but I'll damn sure take it!!! I held plank for 2:18 also!! 31 squats was pretty good too I thought. The workout area was underneath some oak trees right in the shaded dirt. I loved it. Ty tried his best to encourage me to make one leg day and one upper body day a week. I told him that for now one day a week would have to do. I think I'm going to enjoy his class.
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