Thursday, October 7, 2010

Shan, Diana and Steve and I ran the 7 mile loop at LBL in......we don't know our time. Steve and Shan were a couple of hundred yards in front of us. We were having another really good run......I'm going to guess that we'd have finished in under 1:04, but with less than 1/2 a mile to go Diana and I see up ahead that a person is stopped on the trail. We took a few more steps and realize that Shan is down on the trail. She is on the ground in agony with a nasty abrasion on her left knee and cinder mud all over the right side of her body. My immediate thought with her still on the ground was that something was broken. Right away I offered to run on to my car to call 911 but she said not too.

After standing there for what seemed like several minutes she let us help her to her feet. We all stood there for another minute while she continued to gather herself.

After walking the couple of hundred yards to the footbridge she suggested we run slowly across. We did and she thought everything was okay besides her ego.

Two interesting things; she tripped on an embedded rock that couldn't have been protruding up more than an inch and our overall elapsed time was faster by 30 secs than in the heat 5 or 6 weeks ago.

I also got in an easy 5 miles at Kens yesterday after work. I took it easy, enjoying the trails I hadn't been on in months. I also spent time talking on the phone to John P and DD.

I seem to be having no ill effects from running 3 days in a row. I haven't done that in at 7 or 8 years. I did take the time to get in a good stretch after our run this morning.


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