Misty and I got in 3 miles at St Eds in Bull Creek early this afternoon in some gorgeous weather!! We did it 56:14. This was a great effort considering she's been running for 2 weeks and this was her 5th run since she started. She rolled both her ankles a bit but she really enjoyed herself. My foot continues to improve. I've not been going barefoot at all the last several days per RN Rooney's advice. I'm feeling better and better about the 50 mile and maybe even a 50k this spring as well.
On a cool note.....Misty and I went to Barnes and Noble this morning to finally use our Xmas gift cards. As I sat down to look at a book about Neil Young I looked up and one my very best friends, Sam Voltaggio was walking by. He sat down and we talked for a while until Misty started missing me. She came upstairs and we continued talking for a while longer. What an excellent surprise!!
Jan........101 miles
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Run cut short
Shan, Diana and I ran the 3 mile loop together in 31 min. Shan has a tender achilles and I'm nursing the bruised foot so we cut short our usual run in favor of taking it easy. Diana continued on alone.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Got in 7 miles at LBL this morning in approx 1:16. I took it real easy, babying the bruised foot. It was feeling pretty good afterwards. I iced it this morning and took some vitamin I. I'm fairly hopeful it'll still allow me to go 50 miles next weekend in Huntsville.
Speaking of Huntsville I've been kind of bummed about how big the Rocky races have gotten. It's completely changed up the logistics for someone like myself who's been participating out there for years. In 2003 when I ran the 50 mile there were a total of 139 starters between the 2 races. In 2007 it had grown to 354 starters and last year was up to 640 starters with a Park cap of 750 being imposed now. In one sense it's great there are more people out there pushing their personal limits but back in the day a lot of us actually knew each other and it had a much more personal, family feeling to it. That was one the enticing things for me to begin with.
For me to get a parking spot, in what used to seem like a big parking lot, I'm going to need to leave Misty's Aunt and Uncle's house by 330am that Saturday morning to get to the parking lot by 430-445 for my 7am start.
Progress I guess?
On a more positive note I'm really excited about the big dogs that are entered in the 100 mile. Scott Jurek, Hal Koerner, Anton Krupicka and Karl Meltzer. If the weather cooperates surely the course record of 13:16.02 set by Eric Clifton in '96 will be smashed. I was at the finish watching in '06 when Jorge Pacheco finished in an agonizingly close 13:16.56. The next year Anton Krupicka ran 13:32 so it should lots of fun for the people out there really tracking things. If we weren't so overdue for a visit with Aunt Cissy and Uncle Gene I'd consider sticking around for the finish.
Speaking of Huntsville I've been kind of bummed about how big the Rocky races have gotten. It's completely changed up the logistics for someone like myself who's been participating out there for years. In 2003 when I ran the 50 mile there were a total of 139 starters between the 2 races. In 2007 it had grown to 354 starters and last year was up to 640 starters with a Park cap of 750 being imposed now. In one sense it's great there are more people out there pushing their personal limits but back in the day a lot of us actually knew each other and it had a much more personal, family feeling to it. That was one the enticing things for me to begin with.
For me to get a parking spot, in what used to seem like a big parking lot, I'm going to need to leave Misty's Aunt and Uncle's house by 330am that Saturday morning to get to the parking lot by 430-445 for my 7am start.
Progress I guess?
On a more positive note I'm really excited about the big dogs that are entered in the 100 mile. Scott Jurek, Hal Koerner, Anton Krupicka and Karl Meltzer. If the weather cooperates surely the course record of 13:16.02 set by Eric Clifton in '96 will be smashed. I was at the finish watching in '06 when Jorge Pacheco finished in an agonizingly close 13:16.56. The next year Anton Krupicka ran 13:32 so it should lots of fun for the people out there really tracking things. If we weren't so overdue for a visit with Aunt Cissy and Uncle Gene I'd consider sticking around for the finish.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Bruised foot
Got in another easy 7 miles this morning at LBL. Mixed in plenty of walking. I've got a little problem with the Newton's though. This past summer I stubbed the ball of my right foot on a concrete edge of a pool pretty good. Right after it happened I iced it and took it easy for a couple of weeks. Since then it has not really hampered my running at all but there has been a very slight pain off and on, just enough to let me know it's still there. This morning when I got up to run my foot was hurting pretty good. I went ahead and got my run in and then after my shower this morning it became apparent that the Newton's have irritated that spot on my foot. I still have some miles left on my Velocity's so I'm gonna fire them up. I am really happy with the Newton's besides this minor setback. At the worst maybe they can be my Thursday morning shoes.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Bandera 100k Race Story
What an experience that was. Terrible sleep all week. Terrible Friday. 6hrs of pretty good sleep Friday night. Left home on time Saturday, made good time but forgot to account for long line of vehicles. Combined with pottie break and long line at packet pickup had me at the starting line less than 3 minutes before the start.
What a lead in to a really long difficult run.
Actually, it was a relief to finally get underway. The weather was perfect at the start. I wore 2 tech long sleeves, a short sleeve tech, gloves and a skull cap. Mark Raymond and I did most of the first 21 miles together. It was really great catching up on each others lives but I think that's what sent me on my downward spiral.
In a race I keep mostly to myself and don't spend a bunch of energy talking. I try to stay as focused on the moment as possible. Mark and I would separate for a while and then come together again after an aid station or potty break. I felt it taking a toll on me.
Leaving Crossroads I told Misty that I was feeling good but felt sleepy. She asked if I needed a Red Bull and I declined saying that it was too early in the race for that. I was concerned that whenever I started Red Bull I'd need to continue it the rest of the race.
Around mile 24 it all began coming down around me. For the next five or so miles I was done........ finished. On top of not having enough training miles, the extra padding setup in my left shoe wasn't working and I was afraid my foot was getting bruised.
I had my quitting all worked out. Still get in a decent 50k, head to Mom's house, shower and get in a visit with her that evening. I wouldn't be battling the predicted rain that evening, Misty wouldn't be stuck taking care of me during another cold and most likely wet night. And, we'd be in a warm bed!! Oh, and another thing. I was done running anything longer than 50k. Why should I even think I could continue running anything longer? I had also quit on the last 50 miler I signed up for. Sticking with 50k's would be so much easier.
That was rational Jeff.
Around mile 29-30 irrational Jeff began reasserting himself as the rightful owner of my mind and body. The closer I got to the halfway point the better I started feeling, at least mentally.
Misty was waiting at the Lodge for me. I told her that I was on the fence about continuing. She said, "No, I don't think so, you have to get your butt back out there. You know these runs are about highs and lows so just keep going". Alrighty then. I guess that's taken care of. The elapsed time was 7:30 so even though I had sort of made it through the huge low spot I was in exactly the time spot I had planned on.
I told Misty that if was going to continue that I just needed to take a good break, change socks and get some calories. I gratefully accepted a cup of soup an aid station worker offered me while Misty filled my Camelbak bladder. As we walked to the car I felt like a huge load was off my shoulders getting to the halfway point and that if I continued all I had was the one 31 mile loop. Psychologically that was huge.
Misty set up a chair for me and I took my shoes off. What an enormous relief to get my shoes off after 31 miles!! I rarely eat much solid food during a run but Misty offered me a turkey sandwich and I accepted and it turned out to be delicious. I put on some fresh socks and slipped my shoes back on as I sipped a Red Bull. I stood up and immediately realized that going on in my Velocity's was impossible. My foot was completely rebelling with the way I had the insole and insert setup and there was no changing it. My immediate thought was the Newton's that Dave Richmond sold me. I brought them along for a worst case scenario and here I was.....worst case. The Newtons were brand new having only run 11 miles in them and they didn't seem sturdy and tough enough for the rocky trails. The are also designed differently. They are built with a lower heel than a typical shoe forcing you to move your plant portion of your foot farther forward when you run in them. At this point it was wear the Newton's or DNF (did not finish). The Newton's it was. I slipped them on and they instantly felt lighter than the Velocity's.
Misty and I took a few more minutes to ensure everything was taken care of and I headed back out. I was feeling good. I had taken a 25 minute break. I'm certain I've never taken a break that long before in any event.
The first 50yds or so after leaving the Lodge is a soft dirt trail and I instantly felt the difference in the shoes. The Newton's made my steps seem a bit more springy like I actually had some life left in my legs. I realized right away that I needed to temper my excitement and use my head and experience. I still had 31 miles to go.
The first 11 miles from the Lodge to Chapas are my favorite part of the course. The climb up Sky Island in the first few miles is a beautiful view from the trail when you are nearing the top.
Those first 11 miles went according to plan....around 2:40 minutes, only a bit slower than the first loop. I was buoyed knowing that Karen Archibald and John Pittman would be waiting with Misty at Chapas. I wasn't completely sure Karen was going to run. My last conversation with John about it left it with her not wanting to run in the rain. Well, rain was expected so I wasnt sure what to expect. When I got there they were all waiting for me and Doug even had time to talk a bit this time and John and Karen were geared up to run. Awesome!! Misty and I walked to the car and I grabbed a Red Bull while Misty made me a ham sandwich and grabbed me some gels. Karen and I were off lickety split and I was still feeling good. Chapas to Crossroads is the most runnable leg at Bandera and Karen and I did a lot of running. Karen even dogged me some for walking on some of the easy portions. She and I enjoyed some good conversation and the time passed quickly. We made the 5.85 mile in 1:15, another quality leg.
I didn't hardly take anytime at Crossroads having filled my bladder at Chapas. John and I were off to Three Sisters. Every year I'm always surprised by the amount of flat trail on this leg. I always think of the hilly Sisters. John and I had a great time on the trail. He couldn't stop talking about how awesome it was to be on the trail with me. And I was really happy he and Karen joined me. They fulfilled a dream of mine I've had a to turn friends onto what I do for "fun".
John got me back to Crossroads right on time. And by that I mean Karen and Misty only had to wait for a few minutes for us to come down off the hill. Karen said, "Misty really knows what she's doing, we've only been out here a few minutes!!"
The aid station personnel topped off my bladder while I ate a cup of soup and Misty got me some gels. The rain had begun in earnest and looked like it wasn't going to stop. I got bundled up and as I left I told Misty, " I've never done this before", meaning I've never had a to do much running in the rain during any long events much less between miles 52 and 62 of a run!! She said, "you can do it Luv".
There was no stopping now though, the buckle was in my grasp. I headed out into the muck hoping it wouldn't get too bad. After a few minutes I realized the raining had stopped and I was actually doing some running. I felt like I had to get this thing over with as soon as possible and I'd had a sub 17hr in my brain for a while.
About 3 miles into the 4.25 leg to Last Chance the rain began again and never stopped. At this point I was walking and was going to be doing nothing but walk the rest of the way. 6 plus miles left to do in the rain. Son of a bitch!! Here it was, what I had been dreading all week and what I hate most, being stuck in the rain with no shelter. As I approached the Last Chance aid station I knew I had enough water and gels with me to get to the finish so I made the decision to just walk right by. There was absolutely no point in stopping. As I got there I waved and yelled, "thank y'all for coming out, we really appreciate it!!"
5 long wet miles to go. Shit in my shoes. Had to stop to clean them out knowing they'd just get minute pieces of gravel in them within minutes. I fantasized about crawling under a tree and curling up. It seemed like this night would go on and on and on.
On and on I fantasized about coming down the final stretch and here I was, splashing through the final straight-a-way. As I got closer I saw that no one was standing at the finish line. Not that I could blame anyone for not standing and waiting in the rain, but what a weird irony, out on the trail for 17hrs and the finish line area empty of people. Only in an ultra!!
As I crossed the timing pad I saw Joe, the race director, and a couple of people standing inside the aid station tent with a flap open motioning for me. Misty was nowhere to be seen though, I didn't understand that. As I entered I expected to find Misty but instead Joe's wife Joyce grabbed me on each side of my head, paused a second and planted a kiss right on my mouth!! If I wasn't so exhausted I might have been shocked. I scanned around quickly and saw that Misty had just entered the tent. Misty came over and gave me a kiss and a hug and everyone was telling me congratulations. Diana yelled at me from a chair in the corner, "congratulations Jeff!!!". I had stopped my watch as I crossed the timing mat. I looked at it now, it said 17:05. Dang, I thought, 16:57 would have been much nicer but I'll definitely take the finish. It is 30 minutes faster than 3 years ago.
Olga handed me a cup of ramen as Misty and I stood there looking at each other. We had done it again! Gotten through another one of these together. She was smiling. I'm not sure what I looked liked. Misty kept repeating how she was so sorry she missed the finish but she said she saw it from the car. She had waited 45 minutes in the rain thinking, hoping, I was really gonna burn up the last section and get in fast. She noticed a car very close to the finish line pull out so she ran and moved her car. Well, as luck would have it she had just stopped in the chosen spot when I came sloshing through.
What a crazy journey!! Completely gave up on first loop, rebounded just in time to continue. A fantastic first 21 miles of the 2nd loop and then the worst 2 hrs EVER at the end. Unbelievable!!
What an experience that was. Terrible sleep all week. Terrible Friday. 6hrs of pretty good sleep Friday night. Left home on time Saturday, made good time but forgot to account for long line of vehicles. Combined with pottie break and long line at packet pickup had me at the starting line less than 3 minutes before the start.
What a lead in to a really long difficult run.
Actually, it was a relief to finally get underway. The weather was perfect at the start. I wore 2 tech long sleeves, a short sleeve tech, gloves and a skull cap. Mark Raymond and I did most of the first 21 miles together. It was really great catching up on each others lives but I think that's what sent me on my downward spiral.
In a race I keep mostly to myself and don't spend a bunch of energy talking. I try to stay as focused on the moment as possible. Mark and I would separate for a while and then come together again after an aid station or potty break. I felt it taking a toll on me.
Leaving Crossroads I told Misty that I was feeling good but felt sleepy. She asked if I needed a Red Bull and I declined saying that it was too early in the race for that. I was concerned that whenever I started Red Bull I'd need to continue it the rest of the race.
Around mile 24 it all began coming down around me. For the next five or so miles I was done........ finished. On top of not having enough training miles, the extra padding setup in my left shoe wasn't working and I was afraid my foot was getting bruised.
I had my quitting all worked out. Still get in a decent 50k, head to Mom's house, shower and get in a visit with her that evening. I wouldn't be battling the predicted rain that evening, Misty wouldn't be stuck taking care of me during another cold and most likely wet night. And, we'd be in a warm bed!! Oh, and another thing. I was done running anything longer than 50k. Why should I even think I could continue running anything longer? I had also quit on the last 50 miler I signed up for. Sticking with 50k's would be so much easier.
That was rational Jeff.
Around mile 29-30 irrational Jeff began reasserting himself as the rightful owner of my mind and body. The closer I got to the halfway point the better I started feeling, at least mentally.
Misty was waiting at the Lodge for me. I told her that I was on the fence about continuing. She said, "No, I don't think so, you have to get your butt back out there. You know these runs are about highs and lows so just keep going". Alrighty then. I guess that's taken care of. The elapsed time was 7:30 so even though I had sort of made it through the huge low spot I was in exactly the time spot I had planned on.
I told Misty that if was going to continue that I just needed to take a good break, change socks and get some calories. I gratefully accepted a cup of soup an aid station worker offered me while Misty filled my Camelbak bladder. As we walked to the car I felt like a huge load was off my shoulders getting to the halfway point and that if I continued all I had was the one 31 mile loop. Psychologically that was huge.
Misty set up a chair for me and I took my shoes off. What an enormous relief to get my shoes off after 31 miles!! I rarely eat much solid food during a run but Misty offered me a turkey sandwich and I accepted and it turned out to be delicious. I put on some fresh socks and slipped my shoes back on as I sipped a Red Bull. I stood up and immediately realized that going on in my Velocity's was impossible. My foot was completely rebelling with the way I had the insole and insert setup and there was no changing it. My immediate thought was the Newton's that Dave Richmond sold me. I brought them along for a worst case scenario and here I was.....worst case. The Newtons were brand new having only run 11 miles in them and they didn't seem sturdy and tough enough for the rocky trails. The are also designed differently. They are built with a lower heel than a typical shoe forcing you to move your plant portion of your foot farther forward when you run in them. At this point it was wear the Newton's or DNF (did not finish). The Newton's it was. I slipped them on and they instantly felt lighter than the Velocity's.
Misty and I took a few more minutes to ensure everything was taken care of and I headed back out. I was feeling good. I had taken a 25 minute break. I'm certain I've never taken a break that long before in any event.
The first 50yds or so after leaving the Lodge is a soft dirt trail and I instantly felt the difference in the shoes. The Newton's made my steps seem a bit more springy like I actually had some life left in my legs. I realized right away that I needed to temper my excitement and use my head and experience. I still had 31 miles to go.
The first 11 miles from the Lodge to Chapas are my favorite part of the course. The climb up Sky Island in the first few miles is a beautiful view from the trail when you are nearing the top.
Those first 11 miles went according to plan....around 2:40 minutes, only a bit slower than the first loop. I was buoyed knowing that Karen Archibald and John Pittman would be waiting with Misty at Chapas. I wasn't completely sure Karen was going to run. My last conversation with John about it left it with her not wanting to run in the rain. Well, rain was expected so I wasnt sure what to expect. When I got there they were all waiting for me and Doug even had time to talk a bit this time and John and Karen were geared up to run. Awesome!! Misty and I walked to the car and I grabbed a Red Bull while Misty made me a ham sandwich and grabbed me some gels. Karen and I were off lickety split and I was still feeling good. Chapas to Crossroads is the most runnable leg at Bandera and Karen and I did a lot of running. Karen even dogged me some for walking on some of the easy portions. She and I enjoyed some good conversation and the time passed quickly. We made the 5.85 mile in 1:15, another quality leg.
I didn't hardly take anytime at Crossroads having filled my bladder at Chapas. John and I were off to Three Sisters. Every year I'm always surprised by the amount of flat trail on this leg. I always think of the hilly Sisters. John and I had a great time on the trail. He couldn't stop talking about how awesome it was to be on the trail with me. And I was really happy he and Karen joined me. They fulfilled a dream of mine I've had a to turn friends onto what I do for "fun".
John got me back to Crossroads right on time. And by that I mean Karen and Misty only had to wait for a few minutes for us to come down off the hill. Karen said, "Misty really knows what she's doing, we've only been out here a few minutes!!"
The aid station personnel topped off my bladder while I ate a cup of soup and Misty got me some gels. The rain had begun in earnest and looked like it wasn't going to stop. I got bundled up and as I left I told Misty, " I've never done this before", meaning I've never had a to do much running in the rain during any long events much less between miles 52 and 62 of a run!! She said, "you can do it Luv".
There was no stopping now though, the buckle was in my grasp. I headed out into the muck hoping it wouldn't get too bad. After a few minutes I realized the raining had stopped and I was actually doing some running. I felt like I had to get this thing over with as soon as possible and I'd had a sub 17hr in my brain for a while.
About 3 miles into the 4.25 leg to Last Chance the rain began again and never stopped. At this point I was walking and was going to be doing nothing but walk the rest of the way. 6 plus miles left to do in the rain. Son of a bitch!! Here it was, what I had been dreading all week and what I hate most, being stuck in the rain with no shelter. As I approached the Last Chance aid station I knew I had enough water and gels with me to get to the finish so I made the decision to just walk right by. There was absolutely no point in stopping. As I got there I waved and yelled, "thank y'all for coming out, we really appreciate it!!"
5 long wet miles to go. Shit in my shoes. Had to stop to clean them out knowing they'd just get minute pieces of gravel in them within minutes. I fantasized about crawling under a tree and curling up. It seemed like this night would go on and on and on.
On and on I fantasized about coming down the final stretch and here I was, splashing through the final straight-a-way. As I got closer I saw that no one was standing at the finish line. Not that I could blame anyone for not standing and waiting in the rain, but what a weird irony, out on the trail for 17hrs and the finish line area empty of people. Only in an ultra!!
As I crossed the timing pad I saw Joe, the race director, and a couple of people standing inside the aid station tent with a flap open motioning for me. Misty was nowhere to be seen though, I didn't understand that. As I entered I expected to find Misty but instead Joe's wife Joyce grabbed me on each side of my head, paused a second and planted a kiss right on my mouth!! If I wasn't so exhausted I might have been shocked. I scanned around quickly and saw that Misty had just entered the tent. Misty came over and gave me a kiss and a hug and everyone was telling me congratulations. Diana yelled at me from a chair in the corner, "congratulations Jeff!!!". I had stopped my watch as I crossed the timing mat. I looked at it now, it said 17:05. Dang, I thought, 16:57 would have been much nicer but I'll definitely take the finish. It is 30 minutes faster than 3 years ago.
Olga handed me a cup of ramen as Misty and I stood there looking at each other. We had done it again! Gotten through another one of these together. She was smiling. I'm not sure what I looked liked. Misty kept repeating how she was so sorry she missed the finish but she said she saw it from the car. She had waited 45 minutes in the rain thinking, hoping, I was really gonna burn up the last section and get in fast. She noticed a car very close to the finish line pull out so she ran and moved her car. Well, as luck would have it she had just stopped in the chosen spot when I came sloshing through.
What a crazy journey!! Completely gave up on first loop, rebounded just in time to continue. A fantastic first 21 miles of the 2nd loop and then the worst 2 hrs EVER at the end. Unbelievable!!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Bandera Tuneup
Shan and I ran the 5 mile loop at LBL in 43:44 this morning. She continued on and did the same loop again. One loop was good enough for me since Bandera is this Saturday.
I'm feeling pretty good about things for Saturday. Big changes though.......Misty will be there for the first time ever and John Pittman and his girlfriend Karen Archibald will each be pacing me.
Karen will be doing Chapas to Crossroads and John will be joining me at Crossroads and we'll loop back to Crossroads. From there I'll be on my own to the finish.
The major change is that Misty will be there and I'll not need any drop bags because she'll be meeting me at Chapas, Crossroads and The Lodge. I'm super excited about Misty helping me and about her seeing Bandera for the very first time.
I hope the predicted rain doesnt make things to miserable for any of us!!
I'm feeling pretty good about things for Saturday. Big changes though.......Misty will be there for the first time ever and John Pittman and his girlfriend Karen Archibald will each be pacing me.
Karen will be doing Chapas to Crossroads and John will be joining me at Crossroads and we'll loop back to Crossroads. From there I'll be on my own to the finish.
The major change is that Misty will be there and I'll not need any drop bags because she'll be meeting me at Chapas, Crossroads and The Lodge. I'm super excited about Misty helping me and about her seeing Bandera for the very first time.
I hope the predicted rain doesnt make things to miserable for any of us!!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
126 miles for the month of December. 1015 miles for the year. 19.5 miles per week. Considering all the sudden changes with Mom's health the 2nd half of this year I'm pretty satisfied with my running year.
Run Like the Wind was my only running event of the year. I bailed on Bandera due to the crazy cold weather that day. Dad died Jan 24th so I didn't much feel like running the Rocky Raccoon 50 mile. I was not trained fully for Hell's Hill's 50 mile and then went out and blew myself up, running too fast the first 2 loops and DNFing.
My running goals for the year are to get in one 20 mile run per month. A goal every year is 100 miles per month. A 1200=1300 mile year would be really awesome!!
I'm going to continue my plan to peak for HH's 50 mile to get some redemption for 2010's DNF then a rest month and then really focus on the Bandera 100k for 2012. It is the National 100k Trail Championship for the 2nd year in a row.
I need to get busy with some regular yoga as well.
Velocity's........221 miles
Run Like the Wind was my only running event of the year. I bailed on Bandera due to the crazy cold weather that day. Dad died Jan 24th so I didn't much feel like running the Rocky Raccoon 50 mile. I was not trained fully for Hell's Hill's 50 mile and then went out and blew myself up, running too fast the first 2 loops and DNFing.
My running goals for the year are to get in one 20 mile run per month. A goal every year is 100 miles per month. A 1200=1300 mile year would be really awesome!!
I'm going to continue my plan to peak for HH's 50 mile to get some redemption for 2010's DNF then a rest month and then really focus on the Bandera 100k for 2012. It is the National 100k Trail Championship for the 2nd year in a row.
I need to get busy with some regular yoga as well.
Velocity's........221 miles
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