Got in another easy 7 miles this morning at LBL. Mixed in plenty of walking. I've got a little problem with the Newton's though. This past summer I stubbed the ball of my right foot on a concrete edge of a pool pretty good. Right after it happened I iced it and took it easy for a couple of weeks. Since then it has not really hampered my running at all but there has been a very slight pain off and on, just enough to let me know it's still there. This morning when I got up to run my foot was hurting pretty good. I went ahead and got my run in and then after my shower this morning it became apparent that the Newton's have irritated that spot on my foot. I still have some miles left on my Velocity's so I'm gonna fire them up. I am really happy with the Newton's besides this minor setback. At the worst maybe they can be my Thursday morning shoes.