Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Ran 4.5 miles with Marc G yesterday after work.  That was my 2nd time running there (just realized my other time running there was with another Mark.....Richards.  It's a pretty good place to run but seems like an easy place to get lost.  I suppose that's the case for all trail until you become familiar with them.

This morning I ran the 4 mile loop at LBL.  Shan was supposed to meet me but got her days mixed up.  We'll run tomorrow morning.

This morning it was nice and cool and a hopefully a preview of some permanently cooler weather very soon.  Everyone is so tired of the heat.  It looks as if we'll hit 90 days of 100 degree weather which seems sort of surreal to me.  Tony M posted yesterday that San Antonio had their 52nd day of 100 degrees.  That number seems so low in comparison but is still ridiculous.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Got in 8 miles at Barton Creek from the Spyglass entrance in about 2hrs.  I took my time getting going again this morning and didn't get started till 10ish and finished around noon.  It was starting to warm up towards the 100 degrees they predicted today.

During my run today I finalized my decision to deactivate my Facebook account.  Last Friday Misty and I had a very nasty incident with my co-worker.  She took a picture of the cat bowls on the floor in our house when she was there retrieving my laptop I had forgotten that morning.  She happened to have an appointment to have her car serviced at Misty's shop that morning and offered to get it on her way back to the office.  She has a bad habit, almost a strange compulsion, to take secretive pics of people in public places that she thinks are dressed funny or someone she just wants to make fun of or put down.

When she returned to the office she showed Jon and I the picture she had taken and I immediately told her, "don't post that on FB".  She asked why and I said, "Misty would get very angry".  She asked why and I said, " she is very private about her personal space.  That was Tuesday, week before last and that Friday Misty found that Janice had posted the picture on FB.  Needless to say, the shit hit the fan and Misty really gave it to her on FB AND the phone.  It got pretty ugly just as I predicted and ended up being a VERY bad day.

This past Thursday I posted something on FB that pitted 2 of my best friends against each other. They've actually partied together at our house and they were throwing F bombs at each other.....ugly again.  After several apologies on my part disaster seems to have been averted.

Lessons continue to be learned.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

New Nathan

Got in 6.5 miles this morning in Bull Creek.  I had an easy time of it testing out the new Nathan bladder pack.  100oz of water is HEAVY.  I did some exploring looking for a trail from the Randalls at Mesa and Spicewood Springs Rd.  This is the 2nd time I've done this unsuccessfully.  Oh well, it was a good time on the trail.  I did have a mishap though.  Coming down a steep trail I slipped on the some loose dirt and my feet came out from under me.  My knee that was already a bit bummed got strained again.  I took some vitamin I and am icing it.  I had to bail on my run with Marc G and Sam that we had planned tomorrow morning.  I may still go run if it feels better in the morning.

Friday, September 23, 2011


Ran 7 miles at LBL yesterday evening after work in 1:16.  I'm pretty darn happy with that time considering it's nearing the end of the week and I had a terrible nights sleep the night before.

I'm meeting a high school friend Lee Perovich and his family this evening to watch a high school football game.  We haven't seen each other since high school (32 years) but have had some positive contact thru FB.  His son plays on the varsity for Cibolo Steele HS.

I'm gonna shoot for getting in 7 miles after work, shower at our office and then walk over to the stadium.  We'll see....

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Got in a pretty good 7 mile run this morning at LBL.  My time was 1:16.  Not to shabby for sort of taking it easy.  My knee is still acting weird.  I wouldn't say it actually hurts.  It's feels sensitive.  I'm gonna go ahead with my plan for a high mileage week with lots of easy running and plenty of walking and see how it goes.  I do have to be more consistent with my strengthening exercises too.

Misty and I had a really good walk in Barton Creek Greenbelt Saturday morning.  We did 5.5 miles doing part of the old loop that Sam, Mark, Doug and Shan used to do.  Misty really seemed to enjoy it......especially finishing with the HOL......HA!!!!  She's tough though......didn't stop once!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Got in a lazy 7 miler this morning in 1:26.  I'm not wanting to rush back in too soon after the 10 day layoff so I had another easy day.  I'm happy that I had to hold myself back when I got to I35 this morning.....I was tempted to do the whole 10 mile loop.  I started at 5:45 this morning so I had time if I pushed it just a bit but decided against it.  10 miles somewhere Saturday morning for an easy 22 mile week.  I'm definitely gonna cranking it up next week!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

back in it

Got in an easy 5 miles at LBL yesterday afternoon.  It's always a bit strange getting back into it after a little lay off.  On another note I'm happy with the core stuff I've been doing the last few days.......I NEED to be more consistent with it though.  Maybe actually posting it will be a conscience for me.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Gonna get started back up running tomorrow after a 10 day layoff/ rest.  I was really down last week about the fires and we were out of town Thursday and Friday so I decided that with the good miles I've had the last 3 months that I'd just get in a good rest.

So much for the rest.  My knee hasn't improved at all.  I'm gonna get back to it tomorrow anyway.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Another out and back

Did another out and back at Barton Creek this morning.  I wish I knew how many times I've done this run.  100?, 200?  I'm not sure how many but it's a bunch.  It was like old home week this morning down there.  Barry Beckman joined me and at the start Mark (Crash Triprock) Johnson was there a with a gal named Lindsey?  We got going and came upon David Jacobson, Joe Prusaitis and 3rd person.  We also saw John Kuss at around the 6 mile mark and stopped to talk to him for a few minutes.  We leapfrogged Crash and his friend a couple times and they were at the HOL when we got there and he and I chatted.

On the way down the hill I asked Barry if he wanted to walk and he declined. When we got to the flat he ran a few times but was pretty much done with running with 6.5 to go.  He told me to go ahead and I thought about for a little and decided to go.  I needed to get done and get home and help Misty clean house, and I didn't want to string it out either.  I also saw Ryan Beard along the way and we talked about his awesome WS100 finish and his pacing a couple of the top dogs at the RR100 in Feb.  He is considering running it and I encouraged him.

I'm pretty happy with my time of 3:42 considering all the visiting I did.

Outstanding day on the trails......AGAIN!!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Just finished looking at my running log and mileage for late summer into fall of 2008 during my training for Rocky Raccoon 2009.  My mileage is looking really good so far this year considering several low mileage months due to injury.  If I can maintain the mileage I've been doing the last several months and add a bit to it I should be good for RR100.  I always recommend starting a running log to people who are beginning a running program.  I've referred to old logs many times to see what I've done in regards to training for specific runs!!


My 8 mile time this morning was the same as my 7 mile time Tuesday morning so I suppose I pushed a bit harder this morning.  I did get in a really good first 5 for watch at 4 miles said 40 min and change and I gave it another good mile.  Trying to decide what my mileage goal should be for September.  I'm thinking 135-140.