Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Ran 4.5 miles with Marc G yesterday after work.  That was my 2nd time running there (just realized my other time running there was with another Mark.....Richards.  It's a pretty good place to run but seems like an easy place to get lost.  I suppose that's the case for all trail until you become familiar with them.

This morning I ran the 4 mile loop at LBL.  Shan was supposed to meet me but got her days mixed up.  We'll run tomorrow morning.

This morning it was nice and cool and a hopefully a preview of some permanently cooler weather very soon.  Everyone is so tired of the heat.  It looks as if we'll hit 90 days of 100 degree weather which seems sort of surreal to me.  Tony M posted yesterday that San Antonio had their 52nd day of 100 degrees.  That number seems so low in comparison but is still ridiculous.

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