Monday, December 5, 2011

misty killed

Misty killed it at Run Like the Wind!!  She did 11.2 miles in 3hrs!!  She couldn't help herself and did some unplanned running and is paying the price for it.  She should be okay in a couple of days except for her bootcamp starting tomorrow.  I'm really proud of her pushing her limits some!!

I was signed up for the 6hr but had a problem with my neuroma flaring up with my new Cascadia's.  It was burning like hell when I'd walk.  Very disappointing but I think I can fix it by building up the ball of my insert with tape.  That has worked in the past.  I did get in 14 miles in 3hrs Saturday but the bottom line is that I'm not in very good shape right now.  I'm determined to get it back though!!  I'LL BE BACK!!

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