Thursday morning I crashed and burned on the trail in Barton Creek with only a half mile left on a 7 mile run. I started at 6am at the main trailhead at the pool parking lot and ran the first 6 miles by flashlight in the dark. I went down in typical fashion, wide open trail, nothing too technical just wide open enough to let my guard down. I stubbed my foot on something (on what, I have no idea) and found myself crashing to the ground. It wasn't even a typical, trip and then a couple of awkward long bounds of struggling trying to right yourself. It was down immediately in the dirt. The few marks on the outside rear of my left shoulder confirm that I actually pitched forward in the fall. I think my shoulder hit first then my head hit the ground (I have scratches on the left side of my head). I don't have any marks on my hands, knees or elbows......nothing!!!!
And, my shoulder is fucking injured!! Thankfully it's not as injured as I thought it was initially. When I first talked to Misty I told her I thought I may need to go to the ER!! It hurt like hell!! I couldn't steer my car with my left hand at all!! I even felt a bit like I was in shock. Or, maybe it was the emotion of it all. My mind was racing with all sorts of crazy thoughts.....2 days before my 51st this the injury that ends my running? are we going to afford shoulder surgery?......the continuing emotion of my first birthday without my Mother.
So glad it is better! Glad you had a good birthday despite the pain of missing your momma. It sucks! Love you.