Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Got up at 430 this morning for a pre "exercise" 4 miler.  The "exercise" is the 100 hundred pushups program I've been following.  It's a 3 day a week 6 week program to get a person able to do 100 pushups at one time.  They've also got programs for 200 sit ups and 150 dips.  I'm incorporating those "exercises" too.  The reason I'm putting the word exercise in quotes comes from Mark L.  One Thursday morning when we were gearing up for a run I was complaining about an injury and he and Shan were giving me advice on some cross training stuff I could do to possibly alleviate the issue.  When they were done giving me the advice Mark said, " Man, I hate exercising".  We all cracked up because we instantly knew that was code for running is NOT EXERCISE for us.  I've never forgotten that one and pass it along to my running and non running friends occasionally!!!

Anyway, this morning I was on day 2 week 3 and I can definitely feel a change.  I'm making minor adjustments in the number of reps I'm doing and I'm sure it'll take me longer than the 6 weeks to achieve the goals but it doesn't matter.  What matters is that I've found a program that I can do on my own that keeps me accountable and is really doable.

My totals for 5 sets of each were 152 sit ups, 66 pushups and 61 dips

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