Monday, April 16, 2012


Saturday Misty and I both got in some good trail time.  We started at Spyglass and and both did our own thing.  I got in 10 and Misty did 5.  It was Misty's first time traversing the trails solo and there were a couple of hiccups but she made it okay.  My 2nd run in the NB 1110's went okay.  My neuroma did act up some starting around 7 miles but never got bad.  I'm hoping it was just due to wet shoes.  Sometimes that'll do it.  My time was 2:23, a little slower than I had hoped for but all in all a good run.


  1. You two are now a dream couple running thru paradise, hiccuping on the nectar of LoveyDovey.....

  2. Sammy V or Naresh. lol
