Wednesday, March 23, 2011

60 situps touching elbow to opposite knee

3 sets 10 reps each with 25lb dumbbells

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

No Run

120 crunches

4 sets of 10 reps of curls with 25lb dumbbells

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Failed attempt

I got in 5 miles at LBL this morning in a failed attempt to see how my foot would react to the repetitive nature of running the crushed granite.  As I headed up the hill to the UT rowing building I could feel the knot in my right foot rebelling.  I immediately turned around and headed back to the footbridge cursing myself.

My drinking has now affected my running when I need my running the most.  Sounds about right.  Got drunk at a pool party, stubbed my foot on the concrete edge of the pool and after all these months and miles it's hurting.  I knew it (my drinking) would catch up with me sometime, I guess this is it.

All is not lost though.  I can still run trails.  For some reason the uneven and varying nature of the trails is mostly okay for the foot.....thankfully!!  What the foot issue takes away is the Thursday morning tempo run that we've been doing for 2 1/2 years.  It was a great time to get together with good friends for some camaraderie and pushing some physical limits.

I'll probably be getting drunk this Saturday.....but I'll keep my shoes on.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Shepherd Mountain

Stephen Ebner and I, a classmate of mine, ran 5 miles in 1:01.  He's been wearing the 5 fingers since August but wished he'd worn shoes today.  The rocks beat his feet up pretty good I think.  He said he's thinking of trying Ultra's.  He's a darn good runner.  He said he does the 10 miles at LBL in 1:20.  2 days in a row of 100 crunches and some 25lb curls!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

St Ed's #2

Chris and I ran 5 miles at St Ed's after work yesterday in 1:07.  We started with the flat 2 mile along the road and then did the hilly 1.5 mile loop twice.  I'm really enjoying my runs over there lately and am thinking if I can get in one run a week incorporating the hills and the rocks that should put me in good stead for Bandera in 10 months. 

My foot continues to feel okay with shoes on.  I iced it last night and took 800mgs of vitamn I.  Gonna keep on running till I cants runs no more!!!!

Oh, forgetting to add that my classmate Barry Beckman and I walked 3 miles on the Barton Creek Greenbelt saturday afternoon.  We entered at Twin Falls, crossed the creek and went thru the Grotto, up the hill, down Barkley, Sculpture Falls and back.  He's lived in Austin for years but had never done any hiking/ walking in Barton Creek.  We had a good time!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sober Sunday

Got in a good 3 miles at St Ed's in around 37 minutes. Our neighbor Reenie turned us onto a new Chiro guy and I got a helluva adjustment yesterday.  I've been to a lot of Chiro's in my day but I've NEVER had anybody crack my feet, toes or shoulders.  He cracked my neck while sitting up too which was different.  After seeing Misty's last Chiro I was sore for at least 2 weeks.  This guy is also has a business teaming up with a women and they are certified Pose Running instructors.  My foot feels noticeably better today too.  I'm very excited about seeing this guy once a month or so.

Oh, not a drop of alcohol this weekend and I got a bunch of stuff accomplished around the house!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

First Run

Ran and walked 4 miles on the flats in Bull Creek at the Dog Park.  Weird injury.  No real pain, it just feels like there's something in the ball of my foot, a lump.  I could feel it during the run but it didnt hurt.  I can feel it when I walk around the house barefoot but it's okay if I have shoes on. 

My plan is to continue getting in short runs, slowly get back into it.  Vitamin I afterwards and ice with a sock on and I think it'll be okay.

The flats are some boring trails but at least I was out there doing my thing.  That's a great thing!!