Thursday, August 30, 2012


Excellent 7.75 mile run this morning in the 'hood!!  I felt good and strong the entire run even though I did mix in a fair amount of walking.  I think the isometrics I've been doing is helping!!

63 miles

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Good 7 miler this morning.  Sort of a fartlek with the 1st 6 miles in a shade over 1hr.  Shooting for a 4 mile in the 'hood tomorrow morning.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

30 mile week!!

13 miles in Barton Creek today in 3:00!!  Maybe I should just stop commenting that all my runs are good, not too shabby, happy with that etc.  They are all good.  I'm happy about a 30 mile week after not running for the first half of August.  I'm still going to end up with a decent mileage total and I'll be raring to go for September!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Ran 10 miles at LBL this morning in 1:57.  I'm pleasantly surprised with that.  I fully expected to be around 2:15 or so.  It sure feels good to be getting back on track, and to have a goal!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Ran 7 miles after work at LBL in 1:15.  I'm pretty happy with that considering I haven't run much at all the last 3 weeks.  What really surprised me was knocking out the 1st 5 miles in 50 min......really happy about that!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Life has continued to be quite the roller coaster lately.  I thought I had my goal miles in the bag for July but life got in the way again.

Monday July 30th our oldest male cat JoJo felt so bad first thing in the morning he didn't want to go outside.  He had lost some weight recently but things really seemed to crater that morning.  I took him to the vet and dropped him thinking that was the last time I'd see him.  I went home and waited 3hrs for their phone call to tell me he is diabetic. What a relief that was.  We are now giving him 2 insulin shots a day, one in the morning  and another in the evening and he seems to be back to normal besides not gaining any weight back.

So, after all that turmoil on Monday I was so emotionally spent I slept in Tuesday morning.  7 miles that morning would have gotten me my 120 for the month.  Oh, well that's the way it goes.

The rest of the week I spent preparing for mine and Charlies trip to Guadalupe Mountains.  I suppose I need to write a story on that but it would be filled with a bunch of negativity in regards to Charlie.  He didn't want to follow my advice about pretty much anything, quantity of water to pack, # of calories to consume, he ran his mouth the entire time we were on the peak.  It really was sort of a downer.  When I do something like that it's a spiritual thing for me.  For him it was just a trophy, something to brag about.

I haven't felt much like running since our return from the mountains.  I've taken care of some stuff around the house though.  I did 3 miles at LBL Tuesday morning and had a pretty good 6 miler (1:06 including warm down walk) this morning from home.

I'm gonna get fired back up soon enough!!!