Thursday, April 16, 2015


I got in a really easy 5 miler downtown Tuesday morning, a yoga session yesterday afternoon at home and Shan kicked my ass with an early morning 6 mile run from her house.  Truth be told, I'm kicking my own ass by getting out of shape so badly.  We've been so busy getting stuff done around the house for our family party in May that my running has slacked off a lot.  And along with the lack of running I haven't been doing any core work at all so things have really gone to pot fitness wise.  Oh, and lots of beer hasn't helped either.  The yoga session yesterday was very much needed.  I really really need to start doing the yoga dvd 3 times a week.  I felt so relaxed and at peace afterward,

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


4 mile loop run in the 'hood this morning.  I suppose I could start designating my early morning 'hood courses.  This morning I did the 4 mile loop course, Leaf Ln-Scribe-Adelphi-Wycliff-Hawkhaven-Dorsett- Aspendale-Amherst-Scribe-Canter-Home