Tuesday, November 14, 2017

I have to try....

Life can sure be challenging.  A couple of months ago I went to a physical therapy/ chiropractor place to make a concerted attempt to finally fix my ongoing plantar issue.  It didn't work.  I probably needed to go longer but simply could not afford it.  As of Oct 1 I had maintained my 20 mile weeks for 19 years and 4 months.  The big goal was 20 years but it was not to be.  I officially threw in the towel mid October when I realized my plantar was going to prevent me from anymore running.  I resigned myself to no more running.  I had a nice fall back with morning and evening doggie walks.  That is actually going pretty good.  As of today I/ we have 23 miles so far this month.  Pretty darn good if you ask me. 

This past Saturday morning Misty, doggie and I did the short 3 mile version of Kens and afterwards I couldn't get trails and endurance off my damn mind.  The rest of the weekend I was envisioning myself hiking/ walking the 25k at Bandera in January.  I even fantasized about hiking/ walking the 50k.  I guess my trail life may not be over with yet.

I'm going to really attempt to be aggressive and start working that knot in my foot with the lacrosse ball.  It hurts like hell but I have to try......