Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I drug my still foggy self out of bed this morning and got in a pretty good 7 miler in the 'hood.  I was surprised at how good I felt after what I put my body through this past weekend.

My Marine buddy's Paul, Chris and Kurt came for a visit last weekend and boy did we whoop it up.  We drank a bunch of beers and had some fantastic fellowship.  We are all pretty lucky guys to have connected 30+ yrs ago for a relatively short period of time and our relationship is strong enough that an effort is still made to get together.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Hot 5 at LBL yesterday after work.  I was very pleased with my time of 1hr even.  Very pleased with that effort.

Monday, June 17, 2013


Good run on Saturday.  10 miles at Barton Creek from the HOL.  Haven't typed HOL for a while.  This was my first trail run in 12 weeks due to my pretty badly sprained ankle.  The ankle held up quite well and even passed a few minor tests along the way too.  It was so nice being out there, it's seemed like forever since I was in the woods.

Coach Lindsey was right about my new zero lift shoes.  I woke up Sunday to some pretty tight calves and upper achilles.  I wouldn't say I'm injured but they're pretty tight.  I rolled them out with a rolling pin several times yesterday and have done some easy stretching too.  I should be good for an easy run tomorrow morning.

I found out this morning that due to some private property rights issues there will not be a Rouge-Orleans in 2014.  I'm pretty bummed but I still have the Bandera 100k National Championship to shoot for.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Excellent 10 miler this morning filled with glorious pain.  Excellent, glorious and pain all in the same sentence. How many people are fortunate enough to be put those words in the same sentence?  There we go with fortunate added into the mix too!!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

lemon tea

Late last week I made up my mind to give up coffee completely in the hopes that the lack of caffeine would improve my sleep.  Saturday morning was my last bit of coffee.  Sunday I felt okay, no headache or any other withdrawal symptoms.  Monday I got up like usual, made coffee for Misty and got my morning started by eating an apple.  I normally don't eat anything immediately after I get up but I've read that an apple will give you the same pick me up as coffee.  I didn't notice anything one way or the other with the apple but by mid morning I was not feeling good.  I felt like I had allergies and just plain felt bad.  By mid afternoon I was cratering badly and could not wait to get off work, mostly so I wouldn't screw something up!!   I didn't know how I'd feel in the morning so I didn't bother to get my stuff together to run Tuesday morning, not that I'd even be able to get it together anyway.  Since first thing yesterday morning I've felt pretty good.  Nothing like Monday afternoon, so this morning I got in 3 miles on some short loops in the 'hood along with several sets of crunches and hangs from the pull up bar.  I'm really enjoying my caffeine free lemon tea in the morning too!!

Monday, June 10, 2013


Solitude happened.  Some good miles too.  16 total.  Misty dropped me off outside of town Saturday and I ran thru Coldspring proper and then on the country roads to Camilla, the small lakefront community Misty's Aunt and Uncle live in.  That was a nice slow 11 miles in 2;20.  Sunday morning I got up early and got in a nice relaxed 5 mile walk for a 30 mile week.  I'm super happy to get this month off to a good start.  I really need to have 100 miles minimum this month if I have any hope of doing the big one in February.  The 3rd week of the month is going to be sketchy with the jarhead reunion.  It's gonna be a blast though!!!

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Solitude.  I'm gonna get me some on Saturday.  It's been quite a while since I had a good healthy dose of that good stuff.  It's becoming more apparent everyday that I need regular doses of it too.  I can't even remember what I did for stress relief before I started running 15yrs ago.  I suppose it's possible that once I started getting it regularly I began to need it more and more, almost like a drug.  With this addiction I get healthy instead of meth face.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Deceivingly fast run this morning with Shan.  We had 3 substantial walk breaks because I'm feeling like Shrek from eating too much and not getting my running miles lately.  But, our finish time was just a minute or 2 slower than a month ago.  I was pleasantly surprised. Oh, 1:19 was our time btw.....7.4 miles.