Tuesday, December 27, 2016


300 jumping jacks, planks and heel lifts this morning!!  Me and doggie went on a 3 mile hike yesterday at Ken's.  I'm starting to feel some improvement in my feet.  5 more weeks should do them good!!

Friday, December 23, 2016


60 burpees with Willie and The Velvet Underground

Wednesday, December 21, 2016


5 sets of 10 burpees.  I was sure not to get sloppy with them, had good form. Trying not to get too far out of shape!!

Monday, December 19, 2016


Misty and I did the Mopac/ I35 loop Saturday morning.  I'm still on my running hiatus but Misty wanted me to join her for some miles for year celebration for sobriety.  We had a good time and I didn't feel too sluggish.  It was very nice to get out and have some movement!!

Monday, December 12, 2016


4 mile walk with doggie in the 'hood yesterday and 2 mile walk in the 'hood this morning with Misty and Amanda!!

Day 90 of sobriety.....

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


50 pushups, planks and stretching

Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Planks, dumbbell curls, various stretching poses and lunges this morning.....

Monday, December 5, 2016


Jumping jacks, bends and thrusts (burpees) and a little bit on abs.  Not gonna say how many of each.   Along with zero running being sick for most of 2 weeks really set me back fitness wise.  Climbing out of the abyss....

Thursday, December 1, 2016


am Yoga with Lovie!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Did the Wild Hare 25k this past Saturday in 3:21.  Pretty disappointed about how hard I had to work on that course to get that time.  My running really seems to have gone downhill pretty dramatically lately.  I need 10 miles to get to 1100 for the year and will then start what is most likely going to be a 2 month layoff.  I feel like a good rest is what my mind and body need.  I'm going to get busy with yoga, core and stretching and come back stronger than ever.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


First family run in a while.  Doggie can still run!!   An easy 4 miles in the 'hood included long sleeve shirt, short sleeve shirt and gloves.....'tis the season for me to be a pansy.

Monday, November 14, 2016


Had a good run with Cris S yesterday at Forest Ridge.  Perfect weather!!  As of today I'm at 1071 miles for the year.  As soon as I get to 1100 miles I'm cashing it in for at least the rest of the year.  My body needs a rest and I feel like if I don't do this now my running really will be cut short.  I'm having my best running year in regards to miles since '08 so it makes since to shut it down now, rest on my mileage laurels and let my body heal.  I plan on coming back stronger than ever!!

Thursday, November 10, 2016


Excellent 7 mile at Townlake this morning.  Misty joined me and Mark for the first several miles.  She has a 4 day weekend so she did the 10 mile loop while Mark and I did the usual.  I was pretty sluggish at first but felt great the last 4 or so.  The lunges I've been doing are really working.  I could really tell a difference this morning and it'll only get better the next several months.  Misty had a PR for the 10 mile loop btw.  1:56!!

Monday, November 7, 2016


Ran Saturday for the 1st time in 2 weeks.  It sure was nice to be out on the trail on Ken's.  Misty and her friend Karah joined me.  It was my first test of turning a pair of Altra Lone Peaks into a super padded shoe.  I wouldn't call it a success or a failure.  The padding part seemed to work okay.  I do need to make some adjustments for the neuroma lift.  The strange part of the morning was some severe tightness in my lower back.  It was bad enough to cut our run short by 2 miles.  Even with a bunch stretching and ibuprofen it didn't get any better Saturday.  Here's the really weird part.  I woke up Sunday totally pain free!!  I can't explain it.  During our run Karah suggested it was my shoes.  At the time I poo pooed that suggestion but I think it's very possible she's right.   It's definitely looking like it's a work in progress.

On another note, I did some lunges after our Saturday run.  Not very many but I did some.  I'm seriously realizing my running is being impaired by weakness in my quads and glutes and over all lack of strength.  I'm tight deep in my glutes/ quads yesterday and today but my knees already have a more stable feel to them.  I'm only going to do the lunges and other leg stuff on run days so that rest days are still rest days.   I'm really excited about how much my running might improve.

Thursday, October 27, 2016


So, last Saturday I dropped after the first 25 mile loop of the Cactus Rose 50 mile.  Naturally I'm disappointed but I'm not giving up on my quest for my ultra finishes.  I'm not sure if I'll be able to go beyond 50k any longer but I'm going to give it hell...

I'm really happy I've kept a thorough list of the events I've run through the years. After looking at it closely today I saw that I've had gaps of 16, 23 and 30 months between ultra finishes.  Although I'm older now that gives me hope I'll be able to continue doing what I love to do.  WHEN I finish the Warda 50k next month that will be my 40th ultra finish.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016


This morning was the last run before the big one Saturday.  Misty, Amanda, doggie and I did an easy 4 mile in the 'hood.  Getting excited and nervous.  I'm glad to still be somewhat in the ultra game.  A wise guy once told me, "we're lucky to be at the start line of these things".

Monday, October 17, 2016


4 miler in the 'hood this morning with wifie and doggie.  The final countdown begins for the Cactus Rose 50 miler today!!  I've been trying to do some positive visualization but it's a little difficult because my feet aren't fixed yet.  Bruising in the ball of my left foot, neuroma issues and plantar in my right heel.  I think I've got a pretty good shoe set up now though.  Just trying to think as positively as possible.  I am starting to get excited though!!

Thursday, October 13, 2016


Me and Hero did the 7 mile loop this morning in 1:14.39.  Next up, volunteering at Paleface this Saturday.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Misty, Amanda, doggie and I got in a super easy 3 miles in the 'hood this morning.  Amanda is nursing an injury and I'm working on a good taper in lieu of the Cactus Rose 50 mile in 9 days!!  Today got me to 1002 miles for the year and doggie to 99 since we've had her!!  I'm on my way to my best running year since at least '06!!

Monday, October 10, 2016


Had the best birthday weekend ever!!  Me and Misty did her first ever 20 miler together Saturday morning!!  My cousin Justin, his pal Marc and Misty's friend Cara joined us for the first 6 miles.

I guess this is as good a time as any to publicly announce my sobriety.  Misty quit drinking last December and has really turned her life around.   My drinking definitely slowed during the last 9 months but I had not stopped drinking.  I'm not going to elaborate any further except to say as of 27 days ago I quit drinking.
All I feel is relief, relieved to have that part of my life over with and to be moving forward in a positive way.

Thursday, October 6, 2016


Solid 7 miler with old pals Mark and Sam this morning.  They got to hear me rant and rave about a bunch of meaningless crapola.  I suppose I need to chill with that.....I did tell them I have been more at peace with life than I ever have been though.  Looking forward to contining moving forward......

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Got in a good 10 miler last Saturday morning with Misty, Ellie and Sam at Kens.

Monday morning Misty, Ellie and I got in 5 miles and this morning Misty, Amanda, Ellie and I did our usual 'hood 5 miler.  Ellie is 5 miles away from 100 logged miles!!!

Thursday, September 29, 2016


Three MAMA fellas out for a morning 5 miler.  All is right in the universe.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Got my ass kicked good at the J&J 50k Saturday!!  I had no idea the difficulty of the course.  I figured I'd be finishing in 7-7:30.  Oh hell no, 8:36 was my finishing time and that was great relative to everyone else running.  I finished 17th of 44 starters.  If not for my foot issues I'd have been at least 30 minutes faster.  I'm really not complaining though.  It was a beautiful, beautiful course.  Ever since we drove the 3 sisters roads with Sam and Val several years ago I've wanted to run what was formerly the Nueces Trail races.  I'd never run it before mostly due to the logistics with the remoteness of Camp Eagle.  Misty and I have now vowed to never miss it again.  We'll make a long weekend of it and stay Saturday night after the races are over.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Been getting in some solid family runs.  Misty, Amanda, doggie and I did the Pleasant Valley/ Lamar loop Saturday morning at Townlake and Misty, doggie and I did our typical 5 mile course in the 'hood early this morning.  The Saturday morning run was doggie's longest run to date.  She seemed to do fine and was good that afternoon and evening.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

zero drop

Easy family run in the 'hood this morning.  Sleeping okay with the boot.  Got to get back to the zero drop Altra's immediately after Nueces.  I'd really like to wear them in Bandera!!

Monday, September 12, 2016


I had planned on 20 miles Saturday but fell short when my left knee and right heel/ plantar flared up.  I decided it'd be better to cut it short rather than injure myself. I did get in 10 though, Forest Ridge and all of St Eds too.  I did some good sitting in my recliner Saturday and Sunday with my plantar boot on and have slept in it the last 2 nights, 10 hours last night!!

After not getting in my planned miles Saturday I'm a little nervous about the upcoming 50k in less than 2 weeks....

Thursday, September 8, 2016


We were only missing one piece to the puzzle this morning.  Our pregnant sister Shan is unable to run due to her enormous baby bump.  She was with us in spirit though.

Steve and Sam finally got to meet though, that was pretty darn cool!!!  A bunch of old and new friends out there getting after it this morning, ages 65, 61, 60 and 55!!  The 65 year old led the way as he's been doing since we've known him! Life is good!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


5 miles with the doggie and Lovie this morning in the 'hood.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


It's time to get back on the training horse.  I've had a solid 7 days rest (easy 5 miles Saturday) and think I'm ready to bring it down the home stretch.  Relative to the last 5-6 years I had an outstanding July and August.  278 total miles for those 8+ weeks.  31 miles per week average.  As of the last day of August I've matched my entire mileage total for 2015 too!! Gotta keep it going!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


Saturday morning Sam joined me and the doggie for 4+ miles in the 'hood and then Misty joined us for 4+ more with no doggie.  It was Misty and Sam's first run together.  Pretty cool stuff!!

Monday morning doggie and I got in 5 miles of hills in the 'hood.

This morning I got started at Townlake at 5am and did the 10 mile loop in exactly 2hrs.  Pretty happy with that since my PLANTAR is flared up!!

I realized recently that the Hoka's have been very good padding wise but they are too tight across the toe box and are causing my neuroma to flare up.   I got a pair of Altra Lone Peak 3.0 and wore them Saturday.   Saturday evening when I got up to go to bed my heel was painful to walk on.  I didn't think anything about it.  The last 2 mornings it's been painful too.  It didn't occur to me till I was about halfway through my run this morning that the Altra's are causing my plantar to flare up.....AND I wore my Altra's this morning too!!  I made too quick of a transition to the zero drops and should have known better.  Oh well, I'm on vitamin I and ice today at work.  I'll start wearing the boot tonight and have that sonofagun ready for 20 miles Saturday morning!!

Thursday, August 18, 2016


The weather this week has gotten me in rest mode.  I'd planned a rest week for the week ending August into September but haven't been too motivated this week.  I did an easy 4 miler in the rain with the doggie Tuesday morning and the doggie joined me and Shan this morning downtown for a 5 miler.  I'm pretty healthy and have averaged 34 miles a week for the past 6 weeks so maybe this is good timing.  With backing off this week maybe I can have a much higher mileage week than usual next week to stay on my monthly plan.  45-50 miles next week with a really solid long run Saturday would really be good!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Ran with Misty and Amanda Saturday morning.  We started at the HOL and did the Powerline/ outer loop down cedar chop backwards through the grotto first.  When we got back to the top Amanda bailed out and Misty and I continued back down the HOL and did Rudy's backwards.  When we got back to the top Misty bailed and then I went back towards Rudy's, down to the main trail and back for a total of 15ish miles for me with 4.5 hours on foot.

Me and the doggie did a 4 mile run in the 'hood this morning.

I'm right on track for my target miles halfway through this month!!

Thursday, August 11, 2016


I'm tired.  I've gotten in 19 miles the last 3 days.   Good news is that the plan came together pretty well, only 1 mile short.  I'll remedy that with a 1 mile walk with the doggie tomorrow morning.  This morning I got up at 4 after less than 8hrs sleep, walked the doggie and got down to the trail at 5am.  I did an easy 4 mile loop and then joined Shan at 6am for the 5 mile loop.  I try not to bitch about the heat but it is tough going in August.  Any miles done in the summer can pay big dividends in the fall and winter.  At least that's what I'm trying to tell myself....

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


4 miles in the 'hood with Amanda and the doggie!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


Parked at the Vets office on Jollyville this morning and did 1 mile out and back on Balcones Woods to Santa Cruz then crossed Jollyville and did 1 mile out and back on Floral Pkwy and then did the first part again for a total of 6 miles!!

Monday, August 8, 2016


Had a very interesting running weekend.  My plan was to get in 10 miles of road hills Saturday morning and 10 miles at Townlake Sunday morning.  Life got in the way.  Misty and some friends went to a concert in Houston Friday night and she didn't get home until 4am.  I started tossing and turning around 230 and got up to greet her when she got in.  I went back to bed for a while but couldn't sleep so I got up and walked the doggie.  After our walk I knew if I put Ellie back in her crate she'd whine and cry enough to disturb Misty so me and the doggie quietly watched TV.  I napped some but felt out of it after a weird night of sleep.  Misty got up around 10 and we sat around and talked for a while.  I still felt out of it but got up and got my shit ready and went down to Townlake and did the 10 mile loop.  It was a hot sonofagun starting at 11:15 but I ran AND walked it in 2:15.  I was pretty happy with that considering the stifling heat.  One day down, one to go!!

As I was waking up Sunday morning I was going over my options for the day.  Misty wanted to get in some miles before her 9am meeting and the doggie really needed to burn some energy off after a bunch of acting out Saturday.  And I needed to get in another 10 miles preferably with some hills included.  I came up with the perfect plan.  Misty, doggie and I did a 4 mile round trip down Duval and back and then I drove over to Jollyville and Balcones Woods and ran Floral Pkwy to Raincreek Pkwy down Great Hills a half mile and back for a total of 6 miles!!  After a better nights sleep and getting started at a decent hour I had a great run and was done by 10:30!!

I was really happy I was able to persevere and get in my miles even though the original plan changed.  Now I've got in a great first week towards what's supposed to be a big running month!!

Thursday, August 4, 2016


Good 5 miler in the 'hood this morning with Shan and Amanda!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016


Excellent 5 miler with my wife and my doggie this morning!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Misty, Amanda and I did one Ken's loop together Saturday morning.  We'd planned on 2 loops but none of us were really feeling it, especially with the deer flies bugging (no pun intended) the crap out of us.  In fact, Misty has hard spots in a few places under her skin where she was bitten by the flies.

The doggie and I did a 4 mile walk in the neighborhood Sunday morning and she and I also go in a 5 mile run/walk Monday morning.

I'd planned on doing an hours or so worth of hill repeats at St Ed's this morning but rolled my ankle pretty good yesterday afternoon in the backyard.  My alternate plan was to do some out and back repeats on Floral Pkwy this morning but thought better of it when I got up and my ankle was a still a bit sore.  I ended taking my time and doing the longest version of the Wharton stretching dvd.  It was excellent.  It took me 1:15 to go through the 40 minute version.  It won't be long till I'm down to the 40 minutes.  It is some very good stuff, from your feet up to your neck.  There are abbreviated 20 minute and 10 minute versions too!!  Afterward the feeling was very much like a post yoga feeling.  Very cool!!  So, my "running plan" took a hit this morning but I have the whole month to rebound.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

running plan

I needed to be to work a bit early today so Shan, Mark and I did the Mopac/ Congress loop this morning.  I'm glad we changed it up and ran the shorter loop.  I'm having a really good recovery week and the shorter distance was probably all I really needed anyway.

This mornings run got me to a whopping 127 miles for the month!!  I'm being a bit sarcastic because that pathetic total is my best running month in at least 5 years.  It is what it is and I really am happy about that total.  And, I'm actually going to make my running plan (yes, I said running plan) mileage goal of 130 miles for July with a planned run at Kens Saturday morning!!  Next months goal of 145 will be quite the challenge but I'm gonna give it hell!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


My recovery from the marathon Saturday seems to be going well.  Amanda, Ellie and I had a super easy 4 miles yesterday morning at Brushy Creek and I've been getting in some great stretching this week too.  I am having a little unusual tightness in my right piriformis since last Thursday's run.  I'll keep on working it with the lacrosse ball and stretching it.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


26 miles this past Saturday.  This was the 56th time I've covered the marathon distance on foot and my 3rd marathon this year!!  It was exactly what I expected, hot and slow.  At this time of year it doesn't matter though, it's all about getting in the miles however you can.  I was damn proud and happy to actually finish though.  It was some excellent mental and physical training.  The last time I spent that much time on my feet was at the Run Like the Wind 12hr in March of 2014.  8 hour marathon in the middle of the summer, I'll take it.  The run was in honor of our old friend Rick Gastelum. I'm sure he was smiling down on me the whole time.  He was such a good friend and we ran so many miles together I don't think the vacuum he left will ever completely fill.  

Thursday, July 21, 2016

continue on

The world just keeps on spinning after we lose someone we love.  They die and we hurt but we keep on doing our thing.   In the immediate aftermath we don't see how we can go on but somehow we do.  Here's the crazy part.  It's going to happen to all of us sooner or later.  We're going to die and people are going to cry and be all tore up but they'll figure out a way to keep getting up in the morning.

I've given some thought to how long there's an actual living memory of someone.   I'm talking about a normal person like myself, not an OJ or FDR.  My sister is one year younger than I am.  When my great grandad Nathan Akin died at the age of 82 in Aug. '74 my sister was 12 years old.  We knew him pretty well I'd say.  I figure she is the youngest person on earth who can say they have a good/decent memory of him.  He was born in 1891.  If my sister lives to the age of say, 80 and, you count his living years there is an actual living memory of him for about 150 years.  Pretty crazy to think of I know.  Or, maybe there's something wrong with me for giving something like this so much thought. 

That brings me to this Saturday.  There are some people who are going to gather this Saturday morning and run in memory of an old friend.  To some of us like me he was a close friend, others never met him.  We (I've) been a bit inconsistent in organizing something every year for him but we've only missed a few in the 9 years he's been gone.  We'll talk about him and share stories and visit the sight where his body was found and reminisce about what a great guy he was and how much we miss him.  When we're done we'll go home and continue on.....

Thursday, July 14, 2016


Haven't blogged much lately, been running and walking a lot though.   Life is definitely different with a doggie to take care of, especially a relatively young one.  Getting Ellie seemed like a hasty decision to Misty but it's something I'd been thinking about for quite a while. I've been feeling like I need a challenge and something to focus on besides myself and I've definitely got that.  I'm having to constantly think logistics with the dog, especially in regards to the cats.  Ellie is a very smart dog and she's going to be a great companion for many years.

Thursday, July 7, 2016


This month is off to a great start.  Mark L and did some crazy hills last Saturday totaling almost 13 miles, 2400 ft of elevation up and 2400 down.  We were literally crossing switchbacks and going straight up power lines.  At one point we climbed what easily has to be the steepest hill I've ever climbed, very loose dirt too.  I got in another 13 miles Tuesday at Barton Creek.  I'm training for a marathon in 3 weeks.  Going to be plenty hot!!

Thursday, June 30, 2016


Pat Travers sang Snortin' Whiskey and Drinkin' cocaine.  That's one of the trivia(l) questions I needed to research after our run this morning!!  For the first time in quite a while there were 3 of us!!  Shan, Mark and I took it pretty easy and finished in 1:20ish.  It was a good morning.  I got up extra early and took Ellie on a 1 mile walk in the 'hood and she had a better morning with the cats afterward.  4 day weekend upcoming for me!!  Pretty excited!!

Oh!!  Almost forgot.  Today I passed 19,000 miles since quitting smoking 6/1/98!!  And, exactly one year ago today I passed 18,000!

Thursday, June 23, 2016


Shan and I had a good run this morning.  It was a bit slow but that's okay.  We took several walk breaks and still came in around 1:20.  It's pretty tough on these humid mornings if there's not a 3rd person to share the conversation.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Ran 5 miles with Amanda and then added on 5 more miles after she left.  Approximate time was 2hrs.  Excellent early morning miles!!

Monday, June 20, 2016


Excellent run with Misty and Amanda early Saturday morning.  We did the whole enchilada at Townlake in 2:10!!  Would have never dreamed in a million years I'd be joined by my wife and youngest cousin on a route I've done countless times through the years.  Life is pretty darn good!!

Friday, June 17, 2016


Yesterday evening I watched a Netflix show on the Iditarod race in Alaska.  I don't know what it is with me and my long distance running cohorts but I got fired up watching it!!  The endurance exhibited by the dogs and the humans is so inspiring!!  So inspiring that despite my tweaky right knee that caused me to bail on the Thursday morning run I ran with Misty and Amanda early this morning.  I hadn't really planned on joining them but woke up early, couldn't go back to sleep and thought I may as well join them.  We had a nice 5 miler at Brushy Creek.

Thursday, June 9, 2016


Shan and I had a very enjoyable run this morning.  We were able to do a lot of catching up and had a pretty decent run time.  We ran 1:15.18 and that includes a sightseeing tour across Longhorn Dam checking out the open gates and we also took a short walk break on the boardwalk too.   This time of year always kicks my ass worse if we don't have a 3rd person to share the talking load too, oh, and Shan is halfway thru her pregnancy too!!  I reminded her when we were done the very first time we ran this route our time was 1:15 and change over 2 years ago!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


This morning was my 2nd early morning 5 miler with Amanda this week!!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

starting point

Great run this morning with Shan.  We changed our start point back to the Auditorium Shores parking lot.  Shan commented how doing something as simple as changing the start point makes a run feel different.  We had a pretty decent time too, 1:13.25.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


5 miles with Misty in the 'hood this morning.  Pretty darn cool getting in running miles with my wife!!

Monday, May 16, 2016


Had a real good 5 miler at Ken's Saturday morning in 1:14.  I could have easily got in another 5 but thought better of it.  I'm feeling good but I'm sure I'm still recovering from the marathon last Saturday.  I'm planning on a good long run this Saturday.

Me and Misty got in a 3 mile hike at St Ed's yesterday.  Very enjoyable!!

Thursday, May 12, 2016


Solid 7 mile run with Mark L this morning.  It's been a while since it's been just the two of us.  Today felt like the beginning of the humid mornings.  I was soaked after our cool down walk.  The sweat feels good though.....

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

lack thereof

After reviewing my long runs, or lack thereof  I'm actually encouraged with my 6:03 marathon finish Saturday!!  I took the 1st 2 weeks off in January due to an injury.  Here are my longish runs since then;

2/8      11 miles
2/16    21 miles
2/22    11 miles
2/28     8+ miles
3/5       Pandora's marathon
3/27    15 miles
4/2      16.7 miles of pacing (mostly walking) after 10k race

I'm off to my best years running start in over 5 years but it's mostly the 4-7 mile weekly runs that are ramping my mileage up.  If I can focus on getting in some actual long training runs I really feel like I may not be bringing up the rear in the races.  I wonder what I could have done Saturday if I'd gotten in a few long training runs....

Thursday, May 5, 2016


I had a rare, easy, solo Thursday morning run today.  I hadn't run in 5 days and it usually feels weird running after a little layoff.  I've got the marathon Saturday so there was nothing to gain by pushing hard today.  I took it easy and smelled the roses a bit....

Thursday, April 28, 2016

best friend

Shan, Josie and I had a good 7 miler this morning at Townlake.  Josie is Shan's best friend and is in town for Shan and Mark's wedding.  I felt a little sluggish this morning.  I'm not sure if it's because it's my first actual run in a week or if I'm still recovering from kicking my own ass last weekend.  Oh well, days like that are to be expected.

Thursday, April 21, 2016


Shan, Amanda and I had a solid Mopac/ Congress loop run this morning in 49:41.  It was a nice twist having Amanda join us!  Hopefully she'll join us more in the future!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Easy 4 miler with Misty and Amanda at Brushy Creek this morning.

Saturday, April 16, 2016


Great 7 miler with Amanda at Brushy Creek this morning!!

Thursday, April 14, 2016


Steve, Shan and I had a solid 7+ miler this morning in 1:12:28.  More good times!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Great 4 miler with Amanda at Brushy Creek this morning!!  Planks, jumping jacks and stretching at home afterward!!

Sunday, April 10, 2016


Solid 7+ miler at Forest Ridge yesterday despite some gear issues.

Friday, April 8, 2016


Solid 4 miler with Amanda at Brushy Creek trails this morning.!!

Thursday, April 7, 2016


Shan, Steve and I had a great Thursday morning 7 miler!!

A new thing I've been doing is devoting at least a paragraph for each run even if it's all on one post so I can scroll back and track how many runs I've done for that month.

Monday morning I got in an easy solo 5 miles in the hood!!


This past Saturday was the Hells Hills 50 mile, 50k, 25k and 10k.  Myself, my wife Misty and cousin Amanda ran the 10k.  I realized after our 10k two weeks ago that we did no warm up before the race.  Not a huge deal if you're running 25k or longer but starting a 10k cold isn't a great idea if you're really trying to race and do your best.  We arrived plenty early, did some easy running and I did a few easy bursts so I think we all felt good at the start.  The conditions were great, temperature was low 40's and clear skies.  The finishers awards were on a table at the start.  I looked at the Masters awards and made up my mind to do the best I could do to bring one of them home with me.

The race got under way and I saw at least 12-15 people ahead of me and I figured that a couple of the men were around the age of 50.  Oh well, just run my race and let things take care of themselves I thought, that's all I can do.  It felt so good to be running fast for a change.  The first few miles are the most challenging on the course, lots of short steep hills.  I mostly focused on maintaining a good tempo and not getting to excited or carried away with the pace.  About halfway through I figured I was running about a 1 hour race and that's how it turned out.  I felt like I gave it everything I had and ended up coming in at 1:01, good for 3rd Master.  I was very pleased with my time and effort but......I still want to run long.  I'm signed up for the Paleface half marathon next month.  The 2nd half of the year I'd like to have myself in position to do some ultra's.  Misty and Amanda had a great race too finishing in 1:11!!  They've only been running a few months too!!

I texted Mark L the Friday before the race asking him if he was ready for his 50 miler.  He replied back that he thought he was and asked if I wanted to pace him the last 16.7 mile loop.  I thought about it for a few minutes and told him yes I'd be happy to join him.  The only problem was the 4 hour wait time between my finish and his starting on his 3rd loop.  It turned out to be no big deal.  After Misty and Amanda left I took a short nap and then went on a tour of Smithville, the small town close to the race venue.  I lived there for about 18 months 23 years ago.  I drove through the neighborhood I lived in and took a tour through some old backwood country roads that I used to run.  I also drove out to the ranch where I used to work part time.  Lots of old memories reminded me of how quickly time passes and how much faster it will go.

Mark and I got out on his 3rd loop at the 8hr mark of his race.  I could tell pretty quickly we weren't going to be doing a lot of running.  A little disappointing but not that big of a deal.  A pacers job is to just be there for whatever encouragement his runner needs, reminding them to eat and drink regularly.  A runners brain can get a little coo coo during a long run and may need to reminded of very obvious things.  Mark and I shared some excellent conversation, mostly about running.  One of the the things we talked about is what keeps us coming back to these long races.  Mark had had a conversation with a non runner friend who assumed that our running was all runners high and gliding along in nirvana.  Mark told him that yes, sometimes that is the case but more often than not it's a lot of concentration and work.  He explained that we have a lot of training and racing miles in between those periods of blissful running.  He also told him that those moments are so exhilarating that that's what keeps us going between those periods.  When we line up for a race or a long run we're always hoping for that experience.

Mark and I had one of those experiences in the last mile Saturday.  As Mark and I got out on that last loop he told me all he really wanted was to hold onto his current place.  I think we were less than halfway when the runner that Mark wanted to hold off snuck up on us with his pacer.  As they eased past I whispered to Mark, "we'll get them later".  He said he really didn't care that much, his adductor on his right leg was bothering him.  Fast forward 3hrs.  We had about a half a mile to go.  We came around a corner and were about to get to the pond we had to circle when Mark yells out, "there's that dude"!!!  At first I didn't realize who he was talking about but then I saw the guys yellow shirt I knew it was fixing to be a race to the finish in the last half mile of a damn 50 mile race.  They didn't see us right away so we had a little jump on them.  The course goes around a small pond and through a small patch of trees.  When you come out of the trees it's a straight shot to the finish, mostly downhill about 200 yards.  When we got to the clearing they had about a 40 to 50 yard lead on us.  We were running our asses off, getting faster and gaining steadily on them.  I knew we were going to do it, it was mostly a matter of how close we'd be to the finish when we passed them.  I kept thinking about all the power hiking and how little running we'd done the last 16 miles and now to be giving it everything we had was pretty insane but we were doing it!!  We got closer and closer to them and finally passed them with about 30 yards to go.  By this time there weren't a lot of people still at the race but the ones that were there were on their feet, yelling and enjoying the show.   When we were getting pretty close to passing those guys Mark said very low under his breath while we were chugging, "this is one of those moments Mr".  He was right, this was one of those moments.  As we're nearing the finish line having passed those guys an old memory entered my mind.  In October of '99 Mark and I were part of the inaugural Marathon a Month club and had only known each other for several months.  We were entered in the Rocky Raccoon 50k.  It was the first of what would be many, many memorable events in Huntsville S. P. for me.  Mark and I ran the entire race together, two, 15k loops finishing in 5:05, still my 2nd fastest 50k and we finished 12th and 13th!!  What I was remembering at the finish Saturday was he and I holding hands at the finish in '99.  When we neared the finish Saturday I peeled off and let him run the last 20 yards across the finish alone.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Misty, Amanda and I got in an easy 4 miles on the Brushy Creek trail this morning.  Thankfully we dodged the morning rain!!

Monday, March 28, 2016


Amanda and I did a 2 mile walk last Friday morning.  We'd planned a 4 mile run but Amanda's calves were pretty tight from doing some other work so we took it easy.

Sunday was quite the adventure.  Misty wanted to get in 10 miles after doing 8.5 in Barton Creek with Amanda Saturday.  I needed to get in more so I did Rudy's going down the HOL first.  That took me a shade over an hour and then Misty joined me.  We did Sam, Shan and Mark's old Wednesday evening route crossing at Twin Falls.  On the way back we wanted to get off the main thoroughfare so we went the back way up Rudy's.  It's so nice having options like that.  We had a great run.  Misty is making unbelievable strides in her running.  She's got some physical issues that may slow her down a little but we'll get them figured out.

This morning Amanda and I got in a good 5 miler from Champions Park in Cedar Park/ Round Rock.  Amanda's running is improving very well too.  She and Misty should be very very even at the Hells Hills 10k this coming Saturday!!

Thursday, March 24, 2016


Shan, Mark, Steve and I had a great run this morning.  It was just a touch cool at the start but ended up being perfect!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


This past Sunday Misty and I ran the Lost Pines 10k together in Smithville.  Our time was 1:24:55.   Misty knocked a full 10 minutes off her time on the same course from 4 years ago!!  She really kicked ass!!  I think now she's over her nervousness about running a trail race alone.

This morning Amanda and I ran 4 miles at Brushy Creek together.

Friday, March 18, 2016


Got busy at work yesterday and forgot to post mine and Shan's usual Thursday morning run.  We didn't kill it.  Time was 1:15ish.  Good times though!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


Easy 4 miler with Amanda this morning at Brushy Creek.  Amanda did some cardio a couple of day ago that totaled her calves so today we mixed in a lot of walking.

Monday, March 14, 2016


I had had a pretty solid 6 weeks of running before the marathon so the plan was to go easy last week.  I hadn't planned on not running at all but the rain got me some extra rest.  Misty has been on fire with her running lately.  After we got home from the lake yesterday we took care of some quick chores and headed down to Townlake.  We did the 7 mile Mopac/ I35 loop in 1:20!!  Pretty amazing stuff considering she's only been running for about a month.  Not sure what the time was but she knocked 2 minutes per mile off her time on the Lamar/ Pleasant Valley from a couple weeks ago!!  Pretty neat stuff.  Now if she'll just listen to me about getting some rest she'll be good!!

Early morning 4 miler with Amanda this morning on the Brushy Creek trails in Cedar Park!!  We had a good run, just a bit of walking.

Monday, March 7, 2016


Ran and death marched Pandora's marathon Saturday in 6:28.  First 19ish went pretty good in 4:30.  At that point my feet began their deep ache and I was reduced to walking the last 6 miles.  Pretty bummed.  Hope I'm not done.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


4 miles this morning with Misty and Amanda.   Amanda and I usually mix in some walking but Misty wanted to run it non-stop.  We did it in 47:32, almost 2 minutes faster than Misty and Shan's Tuesday evening 4 miler.  She's on fire!!

I've decided against carrying the full pack.  I'm a little nervous about the full marathon so I'm going with less weight.  It's gonna be fun though!!

Sunday, February 28, 2016


8+ miles Saturday with Misty, Amanda and Greg in Barton Creek.  It was all power hiking.  Greg and Amanda have been dating for several weeks.   He seems like a great guy and is really easy to be around.  I'm really happy for Amanda!!

Today Misty, Amanda and I did the Barton Creek super highway from Zilker to HOL with a short detour to visit Rick's Spot.  We mostly ran today.  It's so neat to watch Misty and Amanda improve and groove on their running.  They have a couple of 10k's and a half marathon planned the next several months.  

This was a great month of running and power hiking for me.  I finished with 126 miles for the month.  For several years I did my running diary/log on a word processor program and can't find my logs from '11.  I do however have all my months from Jan '12 to present on my blog.  This month is my highest mileage month in that time!  What a great feeling this is.  My feet or my running aren't anywhere near right but I have hopes I can continue at my current pace.  A few of the major factors involved are my switch to Hoka running shoes.  What a find they've been for me.  The other factor is running with Misty and Amanda.  They are both on fire with their running lately, and Amanda and I have got a good thing going usually running/ power walking 2 mornings a week while Misty has her crazy bootcamp 3 mornings a week.  I ran or power walked 16 days this month which means I was busy at least half the days this month.  In the past sometimes I've just updated my mileage without posting a run but I'm going to at least do a short post so I can keep a thorough track of my running days each month.  That's what made the difference.  Next month I'll be able to move to more running and less power hiking.  A lot of my power hiking lately has been due to helping Misty and Amanda get familiar with the Powerline loop so they feel comfortable going it alone.  They've got it down now so I'm free to get back more to my thing!!  I'm trying my best not to compare where I'm at now to 7 or 8 years ago when a 126 mile month was fairly routine.  Upward and onward.....

64 full pack miles!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

pulled up

Shan, Mark, Sam and I all started the Thursday morning run but only 3 of us finished together.  Sam pulled up about halfway with a calf ailment that seemed to come on pretty suddenly.  Sure hope he can get that squared away.  Sam, Mark and I have Pandora's marathon next Saturday!!

48 miles with full pack for Guadalupe Mtns training!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

brushy creek

4 miles at Brushy Creek this morning with Misty and Amanda!!  Good times!!

Monday, February 22, 2016


11 miles in Barton Creek yesterday.  Misty, Amanda and I did all the Travis Country side of the cedar chip/ powerline loop together.  When it came time to cross the creek and head back to the HOL I continued on east and then doubled back via Shan's trail and then did a reverse powerline hitting Barkley too.  Everything seems to be gelling nicely.  Excited about continuing training and planning for Guadalupe Mtns!!

44 miles with full pack.  Yesterday I was totally maxed on fluid.  100oz bladder, 20oz bottle in bottom sleeve of pack and 22oz hand bottle!!

Saturday, February 20, 2016


Nice, easy 7+ with Misty this morning at Townlake.  We did the Lamar/ Pleasant Valley loop in 1:47.  Misty set the pace running quite a bit of it.  She thinks today was the most she's run in at least 10 years!!  She's very happy!!

33 miles with full hydration pack for Guadalupe Mountain training

Friday, February 19, 2016


Early morning 4 miler with Amanda and her crazy hound!!  I wore my pack with 100oz of water in it.  Good Guadalupe Mtns training!!

Thursday, February 18, 2016


1:09:54 this morning.  17 seconds off our FKT (fastest known time) for the Pleasant Valley/ Lamar loop!!  Wow, was that a tough run.  I blabbered on for the 1st half and could hardly even grunt out a yes or no the last 3+ miles.  My whole body was Lactic Acid Central!!  That last few miles when I was hurting so bad I just kept telling myself that runs like this morning are what makes runners stronger.  Lets hope it does because it hurt bad!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Lots to catch up on here.  Misty and I did a 4 mile version of Forest Ridge Saturday afternoon.  We mostly power hiked it.  I was a bit hungover from Kelsey's wedding the day before.

Yesterday I did 21 miles in 4:24.  I had some very tactical "no bailout" planning that worked perfectly.  I started at the E. Riverside entrance to Townlake at the far eastern end of the boardwalk and went towards Longhorn Dam first.  By doing it that way I was going to end my run at the car instead of any loops or refueling at the car that might tempt me to call it quits for whatever lame reason. I maintained a pretty even 12 minutes per mile pace until I got to the Greenbelt.  From there I slowed dramatically.  I didn't want to have a repeat of rolling my left ankle like the previous day.  I misjudged my distance on the Greenbelt and took a break at Ricks Spot and used that as my turn around place.  When I got back near the Spyglass entrance I checked the bladder in my pack and decided I should head up to the store to replenish.  I got a Vitamin Water and Snickers, poured the drink in my bladder and ate my candy bar and was back on the trail in no time.  By the time I got back to Townlake I realized my mileage was going to come up short of my 20 mile goal.  My mind went to work then.  The inner voices were battling back and forth about whether to continue toward the original mileage plan or find a reason to justify quitting.  When I got back to the car I was at mile 17.  I could continue 1.5 miles and turn around but instead I did the whole Pleasant Valley/ I-35 4 mile loop.   What a beautiful day to get outside and get a good long run in.  My feet were hurting pretty good the last few miles but I gutted it out pretty good.  Towards the end I reminded myself that to continue being an endurance athlete a person has to beat themselves up pretty good once in a while to remember the pain.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


4 miles with Amanda and her crazy doggie this morning!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Amanda wasn't feeling it this morning so I ran alone in the 'hood.  For some reason it's psychologically difficult for me to look forward to heading out the front door for a run.  I've always kind of been like that.   Looking back to '86 when I first really started running as an adult I would much rather have made the drive to McAlister Park (it wasn't much of a drive) as run from my apartment even then.  So when Amanda bailed on me this morning my first instinct was to go right back to bed but I didn't.  I got dressed and got out in the cold and got in 5 miles.

Mark L has told me on several occasions about his working on the proper breathing technique and how much it's helped his running.  After I got going this morning I figured I'd give it a try and wow did it ever work.  It's pretty strange running along and actually focusing on the proper breathing technique but I can definitely say that it worked.  I'm definitely sold and am going to practice it during my workday from now on!!

Monday, February 8, 2016


I did 2 Ken's loops Saturday morning.  First one was with Misty and Amanda, the 2nd one was solo.  Misty and Amanda are really getting into the trail thing so we're on a mission for them to learn the trails for themselves so they won't need me.  The switchback portion of Ken's can really be confusing if you're not familiar with it so Misty lead the way so she can see it for herself.  That's the only way to learn it.  I had planned on doing 3 total loops but cashed it in after the 2.  It seems that's my MO when starting a bit later than normal and mixing in someone else's plan too.  Oh well, it worked out for the best.

I've been procrastinating on getting my suit out and to the cleaners for Kelsey and Josh's wedding next Friday.  Well, I pulled it out and it had a gaping moth hole in the back of the suit jacket.  I totally panicked.  I have a black sport coat and some other dress slacks and immediately began trying to piece something together.  It was not working out and didn't want it to feel half assed so I went over to Jos. A. Bank and pulled the trigger on a brand new suit.  I didn't want to spend the money but it's done now and I won't have that worry for a long time to come.  I also went over to Steinmart and got a new pair of slacks and nice long sleeved shirt for the rehearsal dinner Thursday evening.  I've gained a few pounds and couldn't really fit into any of my slacks.....and I really needed to have another business casual out fit for nice occasions.  It's a relief to know I'll be looking good for the big occasion!!

Friday, February 5, 2016


4 miles this morning in Cedar Park with Amanda.  When she arrived at our meet point this morning the first she said was, "it's cold"!!!  I told her that my weather app said 33 in Austin.  She said her car gauge said 26!! When I got home I turned on the TV and the weather dude said it was 25 in Round Rock.  Amanda's car was right!!!

Thursday, February 4, 2016


Me and my old pals Sam V and Mark L had a good 7+ mile run at Townlake this morning!!  We ran it in 1:13:56.  I'm really happy with that considering I'm still getting back into after a month long layoff.  Shan injured her back gardening.  It's a rare thing her missing a Thursday morning due to injury.  She thinks she'll be back next week.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

looking up

Amanda and I got in a good 4+ miles early this morning.  She's really gotten stronger since we started back up a few weeks ago.

I'm super happy with 48 miles in January with only 2+ weeks of running.  Things are looking up!!

Thursday, January 28, 2016


We got the band back together this morning.   I laid off a month or so due to my foot issues but Shan, Mark L and I resumed our Thursday morning run today.  While I was out they didn't hook up at all so this was the longest that some combination of us has not run together on Thursday morning.  I really need to take the time to nail down exactly when we started.  It was the summer of '08 sometime.  We actually had a much faster run than I thought we'd have.  Mark had us in 1:18.  It sure didn't feel that fast.  It's good to be back.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

good 4

Good 4 mile run/walk with Amanda this morning!!

Friday, January 22, 2016


Early morning 4 miler with Amanda.  Cold this morning, 38 degrees
with a north wind!!  Hoka's are working great!!

Thursday, January 21, 2016


Keeping the dream alive.  I pulled the trigger on some Hoka's at REI several days ago.  My ass was pretty puckered up as I was deciding to actually make the purchase.  I'm so accustomed to the no fault return policy for Runningwarehouse that actually walking out of a store with a pair of shoes made me nervous (140.00 after tax).  I walked around in the store with these shoes more than any shoe I can remember.  Bottom line is they felt great and I didn't have to talk myself into liking them.  This morning at Kens was the 2nd run I've worn them and I wore them at work all day yesterday.  I'm so glad they are going to work out.  Now to continue healing my feet!!

Thursday, January 14, 2016


Easy 3 miles downtown this morning.  First run/ walk in 3 weeks.  Not sure exactly what's going on but I've been running thru a bruise on the ball of my right foot and about 6 weeks ago started having the same sensation in my left foot.  After a "little" research I think I've got a case of metatarsalgia.  I've got a pair of Hoka's (very padded running shoe) on the way and I'm going to get really busy on some more research on my feet.

I'm not ready to give up yet....