Tuesday, June 20, 2017


The Farrell family had a productive morning.  Misty got up and went to boot camp but no one was there.  By the time she got back home me and doggie were about ready to head out for a short run.  Misty joined us and we did three miles. That seems to be a good distance for doggie.  We stopped to give her water twice too.

When I got home from work yesterday there was a roll of green trash bags on the front porch for donating clothes/ housewares etc.   We got busy and loaded up four bags of stuff and put it at the curb.  I had time to go through all my jeans and shirts and got rid of several pairs of shoes too.  I had already washed 4 old pairs of Misty's workout/ run shoes to take to Goodwill so they got loaded up too.

What a great way to start the day!!

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